
Map of Australia Queensland Google maps

Google Map: Map with zoom and satellite view of Australia

On Australia

Country Name: Australia
Country FIPS104: AS
Country ISO2: AU
Country ISO3: AUS
Country ISON: 36
Country Internet: AU
Country Capital: Canberra
Country Nationality Singular: Australian
Country Nationality Plural: Australians
Country Currency: Australian dollar
Country Currency Code: AUD
Country Population: 19357594

Regions of Australia

New South Wales
South Australia
Western Australia
Northern Territory
Australian Capital Territory


Polls about Australia

The Great Barrier Reef Islands

The Great Barrier Reef Islands


The Great Barrier Reef Islands - The Most Attractive Islands to Visit in 2012

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Daintree National Park, Australia

Daintree National Park, Australia


Daintree National Park, Australia - The Cleanest Places in the World

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The Cape York Peninsula, Australia

The Cape York Peninsula, Australia


The Cape York Peninsula, Australia - The most isolated places in the world

isolated places, the most isolated places in the world, solitary places, The Cape York Peninsula, Australia

Great Barrier Reef

Great Barrier Reef


Great Barrier Reef - The most beautiful places in the world
Great Barrier Reef - Top wonders of the world
Great Barrier Reef - The best destinations in Australia and Oceania

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