
Map of Australia Google maps

Google Map: Map with zoom and satellite view of Australia

On Australia

Country Name: Australia
Country FIPS104: AS
Country ISO2: AU
Country ISO3: AUS
Country ISON: 36
Country Internet: AU
Country Capital: Canberra
Country Nationality Singular: Australian
Country Nationality Plural: Australians
Country Currency: Australian dollar
Country Currency Code: AUD
Country Population: 19357594

Regions of Australia

New South Wales
South Australia
Western Australia
Northern Territory
Australian Capital Territory


Polls about Australia

The Great Barrier Reef Islands

The Great Barrier Reef Islands


The Great Barrier Reef Islands - The Most Attractive Islands to Visit in 2012

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The Swan Bell Tower

The Swan Bell Tower


The Swan Bell Tower - The Most Famous Towers in the World

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The Great Victoria Desert, Australia

The Great Victoria Desert, Australia


The Great Victoria Desert, Australia - The Largest Deserts in the World

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Daintree National Park, Australia

Daintree National Park, Australia


Daintree National Park, Australia - The Cleanest Places in the World

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The Bunda Cliffs

The Bunda Cliffs


The Bunda Cliffs - The Most Dramatic Sea Cliffs in the World

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The Royal Botanic Gardens Sydney

The Royal Botanic Gardens Sydney


The Royal Botanic Gardens Sydney - The Most Beautiful Botanical Gardens in the World

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The Sydney Opera House

The Sydney Opera House


The Sydney Opera House - The Best Theatres in the World

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Kosciuszko Mountain Peak

Kosciuszko Mountain Peak


Kosciuszko Mountain Peak - The Most Spectacular Mountain Peaks in the World

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The Circus “Oz” of Australia-the most unusual circus

The Circus “Oz” of Australia-the most unusual circus


The Circus “Oz” of Australia-the most unusual circus - The best circuses in the world

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Adelaide - Top 10 Best Cities in the World to Live in

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The Great Ocean Road-a treasured meander

The Great Ocean Road-a treasured meander


The Great Ocean Road-a treasured meander - The Most Spectacular Roads in the World

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Perth - Top 10 Best Cities in the World to Live in

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Sydney - Top 10 Best Cities in the World to Live in

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Melbourne - Top 10 Best Cities in the World to Live in

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Sydney - The best capital cities in the world

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Mount Ainslie

Mount Ainslie


Mount Ainslie - The best places to visit in Canberra, Australia

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Australian-American Memorial

Australian-American Memorial


Australian-American Memorial - The best places to visit in Canberra, Australia

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Canberra Glassworks

Canberra Glassworks


Canberra Glassworks - The best places to visit in Canberra, Australia

Canberra Glassworks, Canberra, Australia




Questacon - The best places to visit in Canberra, Australia

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Cockington Green Gardens

Cockington Green Gardens


Cockington Green Gardens - The best places to visit in Canberra, Australia

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