
The British Museum in London - Images General view

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The British Museum in London - General view

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TAGS: British Museum, art galleries, best art galleries, best art galleries in the world, museums, art museums, best art museums, exhibitions, art, masterpiece, culture, knowledge, drawings, famous paintings

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General view Art gallery Exhibit in the Department of Coins and Medals Art gallery Reading room The Nereid Temple in the Department of Greek and Roman Antiquities Art gallery Michelangelo Buonarroti, Christ on the Cross Art gallery Art gallery Art gallery Exhibit in the Department of Greek and Roman Antiquities In the Department of Ancient Egypt and Sudan 2 In the Department of Ancient Egypt and Sudan Cyrus Cylinder Reading Room Art gallery Art gallery Art gallery Art gallery Museum exterior view Interior view Interior view Great Court view Museum interior view Great Court Interior view Great Court Great Court view Exterior view Facade of the museum
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