
Sakurajima - Images Scenic view

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Sakurajima - Scenic view

Image Active volcano

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TAGS: volcanoes, best volcanoes, famous volcanoes, active volcanoes, best volcanoes to visit in the world, lava, magma, most popular volcanoes in the world, world's most active volcanoes, top active volcanoes in the world, top 10 volcanoes to visit in the world, characteristics of Sakurajima, most famous active volcano in Japan, Sakurajima volcano, Kagoshima, the island of Sakura,

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Calm and transparent atmosphere Excellent view of the volcano Formidable sunset Amazing view A place of great interest It is located near the Okikojima Islet Famous volcano It is considered a symbol of the Kagoshima city Great touristic destination A volcano with great potential Volcanism area Active volcano One of the most dangerous volcanoes of the world
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