
Map of Saudi Arabia Makkah Google maps

Google Map: Map with zoom and satellite view of Saudi Arabia

On Saudi Arabia

Country Name: Saudi Arabia
Country FIPS104: SA
Country ISO2: SA
Country ISO3: SAU
Country ISON: 682
Country Internet: SA
Country Capital: Riyadh
Country Nationality Singular: Saudi Arabian
Country Nationality Plural: Saudis
Country Currency: Saudi Riyal
Country Currency Code: SAR
Country Population: 22757092

Regions of Saudi Arabia

Al Bahah
Al Madinah
Ash Sharqiyah
Al Qasim
Ar Riyad
Al Hudud ash Shamaliyah
Al Jawf

Polls about Saudi Arabia

Holy Mosque in Makkah

Holy Mosque in Makkah


Holy Mosque in Makkah - The most beautiful mosque in the world
Holy Mosque in Makkah - The most beautiful sacred destinations in the world

mosque, islam, Makkah, architecture