Mine, Mine, holiday best destinations


Mine, holiday best destinations

The Diavik Diamond Mine

The Diavik Diamond Mine

The Diavik Diamond Mine - The Best Earth Scars in the World

The Diavik Diamond Mine is a mine of diamonds in the Northwest Territories , in Canada . Located at about 300 km north of Yellowknife , it became one of the foundations of the economy of the region: 700 people , including about 250 aborigines , work and turnover is over 100 million Canadian dollars per year. Its production is more than 8 million carats ( 1 600 kg ) of diamonds annually. The area was studi...

earth scars, holes, holes on the Earth,the best scars on the Earth to visit, the best Earth scars in the world, the most incredible Earth scars in the World, top amazing Earth scars on the Earth, the greatest holes in the world, the biggest holes in the world, Diavik Diamond Mine, about the Diavik Diamond Mine,

The Bingham Canyon Mine

The Bingham Canyon Mine

The Bingham Canyon Mine - The best touristic attractions in Utah, USA

One of the most interesting places in Utah which will captivate you with its size and spectaculars views is The Bingham Canyon Mine. This mine is also called Kennecott's Bingham Canyon Mine. This is one of the largest open-pit mines in the world and is located 28 miles southwest of Salt Lake City. Bingham Canyon is also the biggest hole on earth. As the largest of all man-made excavations, Bingham Canyon is more than a half-mile deep and has...

United States of America, Utah, best places in Utah, best places to visit in Utah, the best attractions in Utah, trip to Utah, best attractions in Utah, best destinations in Utah, visit Utah, The Bingham Canyon Mine, Utah

Chuquicamata copper mine, Chile

Chuquicamata copper mine, Chile

Chuquicamata copper mine, Chile - The most amazing holes in the world

  Chuquicamata, or "Chuqui" is a career copper in Chile. It is the largest miner of copper production in the world and has over 850 meters deep. Copper is extracted here for centuries, as demonstrated by the discovery of a mummy dating from 550 AD died, called "Copper Man."...

Most amazing holes in the world, impressive holes, amazing natural phenomenon, great natural scenery, beautiful landscape, unusual landscapes, Chuquicamata copper mine, Chile

The Udachnaya Pipe Diamond Mine, Russia

The Udachnaya Pipe Diamond Mine, Russia

The Udachnaya Pipe Diamond Mine, Russia - The most amazing holes in the world

  Udachnaya is a diamond mine in Russia. Owners of this I plan to stop its operations in 2010, in favor of underground mining. Udachnaya was discovered in 1955 and has over 600 m deep. Since 2004 the mine is controlled by a Russian diamond company, Alrosa....

Most amazing holes in the world, impressive holes, amazing natural phenomenon, great natural scenery, beautiful landscape, unusual landscapes, Udachnaya, Russia

The Diavik Diamond Mine, Canada

The Diavik Diamond Mine, Canada

The Diavik Diamond Mine, Canada - The most amazing holes in the world

  Diavika is a mine in the Northwest Territories of Canada. Opened in 2003, diamond mine produced 1.600 kilograms per year (8 million carats). It is owned by a joint venture of Harry Winston Diamond Corporation and Diavik Diamond Mines Ink. Life expectancy for this career is from 16-22 years....

Most amazing holes in the world, impressive holes, amazing natural phenomenon, great natural scenery, beautiful landscape, unusual landscapes, The Diavik Diamond Mine, Canada

The Mirny Diamond Mine, Russia

The Mirny Diamond Mine, Russia

The Mirny Diamond Mine, Russia - The most amazing holes in the world

  It is the largest diamond mine in the world. This mine is 525 m deep and a diameter of 1200 m. It is the first career in Russia, and one of the largest. It is now abandoned, and when was still operational, it took about 2 hours for trucks to get down to the exit of the mine. Absorption of air circulating inside led to collapse of various helicopters, therefore it is prohibited any flight above it now....

Most amazing holes in the world, impressive holes, amazing natural phenomenon, great natural scenery, beautiful landscape, unusual landscapes, The Mirny Diamond Mine, Russia

The Bingham Canyon Mine, Utah, USA

The Bingham Canyon Mine, Utah, USA

The Bingham Canyon Mine, Utah, USA - The most amazing holes in the world

  Bingham Canyon mine is a copper career in Oquirrh Mountains, Utah. It is 1.2 km deep and 4 km in diameter. It is the largest man-made excavation in the world. The career started to be used in 1906, and resulted in 7.7 square hole. Over time, the mine has proven to be most productive in the world....

Most amazing holes in the world, impressive holes, amazing natural phenomenon, great natural scenery, beautiful landscape, unusual landscapes, The Bingham Canyon Mine, Utah, USA

Kimberley Diamond Mine, South Africa

Kimberley Diamond Mine, South Africa

Kimberley Diamond Mine, South Africa - The most amazing holes in the world

   Known as "Big Hole", the mine holds the record for highest man-made hole in the world. In the direct sense. From 1866 to 1914, 50,000 miners were digging the mine with shovels, spin over 2.700 kilograms of diamonds. "Kimberley" has an area of 17 hectares and 463 meters in diameter....

Most amazing holes in the world, impressive holes, amazing natural phenomenon, great natural scenery, beautiful landscape, unusual landscapes, Kimberley Diamond Mine, South Africa