Campanella Campanella holiday best destinations


Campanella holiday best destinations



Stilo - The Best Places to Visit in Calabria, Italy

Stilo is a town in Calabria (province of Reggio Calabria ). Behind its history, the city belongs to the Greek period and a dialect that is similar to the ancient Greek is still spoken here. In VI Stilo became part of the Byzantine Empire. In the X century Cattolica di Stilo was built, which remains to this day the most famous landmark in Stilo. In the 1065-1071 years the city resisted the Norman invasion. Still, with the rest of C...

Italy, best region of Italy, Calabria, what to visit in Calabria, best places to visit in Calabria, best tourism in Calabria, best destinations of Italy, details of Calabria, attractions of Calabria, Giovanni Domenico Campanella, Stilo, The Byzantine Church of Cattolica di Stilo, Calabrian town, visit Stilo, the " Sun City",

La Campanella hotel

La Campanella hotel

La Campanella hotel - Best hotels in Italy

La Campanella is an italian hotel ...

hotels italy