Cambodia Cambodia holiday best destinations


Cambodia holiday best destinations

Angkor Wat in Cambodia

Angkor Wat in Cambodia

Angkor Wat in Cambodia - Top cultural destinations in Asia

  Tradition, mystery, history, mysticism -these are the few things that one will find at the ruins of Angkor complex of temples, testimony to a turbulent history and a culture completely different from any other in the world. For the people of Khmer, Angkor means so much more than the remains of an empire, archaeological site or tourist attraction. Angkor reminds about what they are able to do and it is a symbol of Khmer independence, perhaps a symbol of hope. For this reason, the five t...

Culture, Asia, culture in Asia, Asian customs, best cultural destinations in Asia, top cultural destinations in Asia, destinations in Asia, Asia best places, best cultural places of Asia, Angkor Wat, Cambodia



Cambodia - The best countries in Asia

Total area: 181,035 km2 Population: 14,805,000 (2010 estimate) Density: 81.8/km2 Currency: Riel (KHR) Official language(s): Khmer Capital: Phnom Penh Governement: Constitutional monarchy, Parliamentary representative democracy Internet TLD: .kh Calling code: 855   Cambodia is a country located in Southeast Asia that is bordered by Thailand ...

Asia, countries in Asia, best countries in Asia, best Asian country, which is the best country to visit in Asia, what to visit in Asia, best places in Asia, Cambodia

Angkor Wat in Cambodia

Angkor Wat in Cambodia

Angkor Wat in Cambodia - The most beautiful temples in the world Angkor Wat in Cambodia - The most beautiful destinations in Asia

   Angkor is the name conventionally applied to a region of Cambodia serving as the headquarters of the Khmer empire that flourished (approximately) from the ninth century until the thirteenth century. The ruins of Angkor are located amid a forest and some farmland near Siem Reap and is a UNESCO site minunantiile included.      Angkor Wat was declared the biggest religious monument in the world. In 2007, an international team of researchers concl...

Temples, beautiful, tourism, traveling, trip, visit, religion, God, Angkor Wat, Cambodia