Californian Californian holiday best destinations


Californian holiday best destinations

The  Foresthill Bridge

The Foresthill Bridge

The Foresthill Bridge - The Longest Bridges of the World

America is famous for its record-breaking structures. Thus, The Foresthill Bridge is ideally situated on a broad ridge between two estuaries of American River: the North and the Middle. This river has an important place in the U.S. history. In 1848, some gold was found near the Sutter’s sawmill, located off the coast of American River. That was the beginning of the well-known Californian gold rush. The Foresthill Bridge is an unusua...

The Foresthill Bridge,The Foresthill Bridge description,The Foresthill Bridge interesting facts,a long bridge, a high bridge, best tourism in California, best tourism in America,record-breaking structures,Californian gold rush, a bridge, a bridge in America

Californian Massage

Californian Massage

Californian Massage - The best massage techniques worldwide

   Californian massage appeared in the early 70s, with the advent of the types of therapy that promotes the release of the shell body, feelings and human potential development. Esalen massage inspired by Margaret Elke created Californian massage technique, popularized since the '80s.      Californian massage is a global approach that aims to both relieve stress, and lifting a conscious psihocorporale. Movements using long, slow and fluid, al...

Massage, best massage, massage techniques, techniques, relaxation, health, wellness, Californian massage