Buja Buja holiday best destinations


Buja holiday best destinations



Abuja - The Best Cities to Visit in Nigeria

Abuja is capital of Nigeria from December 12, 1991. It is located in the picturesque valley of the steppe in central Nigeria, 800 km north of the former capital. The decision to move the capital from Lagos to Abuja wasadopted in 1976. Choosing a place for the new capital, the authorities sought to create a city where would be no dominant ethnic, social or religious groups. After fifteen years of planning and renovation, the decision was...

Abuja, Nigeria, capital of Nigeria, visit Abuja, best tourism in Abuja, best tourism in Nigeria, best cities of Nigeria, Abuja tourism, visit Abuja, about Abuja, about Nigeria,

Bristol Buja hotel

Bristol Buja hotel

Bristol Buja hotel - Best hotels in Italy

Bristol Buja is an italian hotel ...

hotels italy