
Destinations / The best countries in Asia / Malaysia




Total area: 329,847 km2
Population: 27,565,821
Density: 83.57/km2
Currency: Ringgit (RM)
Official language(s): Bahasa Malaysia
Capital: Kuala Lumpur[a]
Governement: Federal constitutional elective monarchy and Federal parliamentary democracy
Internet TLD: .my
Calling code: +60


  Malaysia is a country is Southeast Asia. South China Sea separates the country into two regions, Peninsular Malaysia and Malaysian Borneo which are commonly referred to as West and East Malaysia. It shares borders with Thailand, Indonesia, Brunei, Singapore, Vietnam, and the Philippines. 


  Malaysia is one the main tourist destinations in Southeast Asia. The country offers it all: tropical islands with endless white beaches, beautiful sea with coral reefs, the oldest tropical forests in the world, sky-scrapers in the city, imposing temples and mosques and so much more to discover. 


  Malaysian Tourism (Malaysia Tourism Promotion Board (MTPB)) is an authorized company, founded on the basis of the Tourism Promotion Act from 1992 which promotes Malaysia as a tourist destination worldwide. Their main objective is promoting Malaysia as an excellent tourist destination and developing the socio-economic relations among nations through tourism industry. In 2006 Malaysian Tourism has signed a £ 2 million agreement with Manchester United to promote "Visit Malaysia Year 2007". In the previous year, Malaysia had a similar agreement with Chelsea F.C. 


  The major tourist attractions in Malaysia are: Cameron Highlands - located in the center of Peninsular Malaysia, a hilly and fertile area, where the tea industry is located; Kuala Lumpur - the capital city; Penang, Batu Caves, Lake Gardens, Sepilok Orang-utan Rehabilitation Centre - one of the four centers of orangutans in the world; Stadthuys, Taman Negara National Park. 


  Throughout the year, the weather in Malaysia is very hot and humid. The months from November to January should be avoided in Peninsular Malaysia because it is a rainy season.




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