
Map of Malaysia Google maps

Google Map: Map with zoom and satellite view of Malaysia

On Malaysia

Country Name: Malaysia
Country FIPS104: MY
Country ISO2: MY
Country ISO3: MYS
Country ISON: 458
Country Internet: MY
Country Capital: Kuala Lumpur
Country Nationality Singular: Malaysian
Country Nationality Plural: Malaysians
Country Currency: Malaysian Ringgit
Country Currency Code: MYR
Country Population: 22229040

Regions of Malaysia

Negeri Sembilan
Pulau Pinang
Wilayah Persekutuan

Polls about Malaysia

Batu Caves, Malaysia

Batu Caves, Malaysia


Batu Caves, Malaysia - The Most Beautiful Caves and Grottos of the World

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The Penang Bridge

The Penang Bridge


The Penang Bridge - The Longest Bridges of the World

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Kuala Lumpur International Airport

Kuala Lumpur International Airport


Kuala Lumpur International Airport - The Best Airports in the World

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Malaysia - The best countries in Asia

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Gunung Mulu National Park

Gunung Mulu National Park


Gunung Mulu National Park - Top wonders of the world

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Malaysia - The most beautiful countries in the world

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