
Restaurant / The most unusual restaurants in the world / Modern Toilet Restaurant in Taipei, Taiwan


Modern Toilet Restaurant in Taipei, Taiwan


  The theme of the restaurant is what the name suggests, the toilet. All clients are on colored toilet seats and dishes are served from bowls that have the form of a WC as well. Things get interesting when the bowl contains a slippery curry sauce ... Here you can also have a very tasty ice cream, with a form... very interesting!

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most unusual restaurants in the world

Images of Modern Toilet Restaurant in Taipei, Taiwan, icons, photos, figures, visions, appearances, illustrations, snapshots, captures, canvas and pictures of Modern Toilet Restaurant in Taipei, Taiwan - The most unusual restaurants in the world

Modern Toilet Restaurant in Taipei, Taiwan - Having lunch at Toilet Restaurant
Modern Toilet Restaurant in Taipei, Taiwan - Having lunch at Toilet Restaurant

Modern Toilet Restaurant in Taipei, Taiwan - Restaurant view
Modern Toilet Restaurant in Taipei, Taiwan - Restaurant view

Modern Toilet Restaurant in Taipei, Taiwan - Serving dinner at Toilet Restaurant
Modern Toilet Restaurant in Taipei, Taiwan - Serving dinner at Toilet Restaurant

Modern Toilet Restaurant in Taipei, Taiwan - Meal at Toilet Restaurant
Modern Toilet Restaurant in Taipei, Taiwan - Meal at Toilet Restaurant