
Map of Taipei Google maps

Google Map: Map with zoom and satellite view of Taiwan

On Taipei

City Name: Taipei
Latitude: 25.017
Longitude: 121.45
Timezone: +08:00
County: TAIP

On Taiwan

Country Name: Taiwan
Country FIPS104: TW
Country ISO2: TW
Country ISO3: TWN
Country ISON: 158
Country Internet: TW
Country Capital: Taipei
Country Nationality Singular: Taiwanese
Country Nationality Plural: Taiwanese
Country Currency: New Taiwan Dollar
Country Currency Code: TWD
Country Population: 22370461

Regions of Taiwan


Polls about Taiwan

Modern Toilet Restaurant in Taipei, Taiwan

Modern Toilet Restaurant in Taipei, Taiwan


Modern Toilet Restaurant in Taipei, Taiwan - The most unusual restaurants in the world

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