
Best Tourism best destinations pag 19


The best art galleries in the world (Destinations)

Louvre Museum in Paris, France Louvre Museum in Paris, France
  Louvre Museum is the most visited art museum in the world, a monument full of historical meaning and the greatest national museum of France. It is a central tourist attraction in Paris, located on the Right Bank of the Seine, in the first arrondissement. Here there are displayed over 35,000 art objects dating from the 6th millennium BC and up to the nineteenth century AD.       Louvre Museum is housed by Louvre palace, which was originally conceived as a fortress, in the twelfth century u...
Vatican Museums Vatican Museums
  Vatican City is the smallest state in the world, occupying an area of only 50 hectares. The population of this state is only slightly more than 550 people, and its form of government is theocracy, headed by Papa.      Inside the Vatican City there are the Vatican Museums, which are considered to be among the greatest museums in the world, with an impressive collection, where one can admire some of the world’s most renowned classical sculptures and most important masterpieces of Rena...
Hermitage Museum in Saint Petersburg Hermitage Museum in Saint Petersburg
  Hermitage Museum is the largest art gallery of Russia, one of the most remarkable museums in the world and certainly the main attraction in St. Petersburg. Hermitage Museum was founded as a collection of art works by Empress Catherine the Great in 1764, and opened to the public in 1852.      The main building of the Hermitage Museum is the Winter Palace, built by the architect Bartolomeo Rastrelli (1754-1762), in Baroque style. The first person who lived here was Catherine the Great. In 1...

The most beautiful cathedrals of Spain (Spain - Destinations)

Sagrada Familia in Barcelona, Spain Sagrada Familia in Barcelona, Spain
   Sagrada Familia is the most unconventional church in Europe and a symbol of Barcelona. The cathedral, the impressive work of Antoni Gaudi -still unfinished - is one of the most visited monuments in Barcelona.    The project did not belong to him at the very beginning, another architect being assigned to carry it - Francisco del Villar - who would soon enter a deep depression due to the grandeur and complexity of the project. Gaudi will be surprised when the authorities will assign this project to...
Leon Cathedral Leon Cathedral
  Castilla Leon is a magical realm of castles, where Castellano language was born and the legendary hero El Cid emerged. It is the place where history, myth and legend have woven over the years, making it difficult to separate the truth from reality. It is the result of the union of two ancient kingdoms -Old Castile (Burgos, Palencia, Valladolid, Avila, Segovia and Soria) and the Kingdom of Leon (Salamanca, Zamora and Leon), which were separated and reunited several times over medieval era. Leon city is a jewel of Spain and houses ...
Cathedral of Sevilla Cathedral of Sevilla
  Cathedral of Seville is one of the largest and most impressive churches in the world. It was built in the 15th century on the site of a mosque dating from the 12th century. Inside the cathedral there is a spectacular shrine of gold, Retablo Mayor. Today it is one of the symbols of Seville, a tourist attraction visited by many tourists every year. Cathedral of Seville rises beside the Giralda tower, the only standing remains of the old mosque, an important landmark of the city of Seville today. Regardless the religious affinities,...

The most beautiful churches of Italy (Italy - Destinations)

St. Peter’s Basilica St. Peter’s Basilica
Greatness, high cultural value and absolutely stunning architecture make this church one of the most sought-after destinations while in Rome.   This magnificent building is the center of Christianity. The opulence of its interior testifies the richness of the Catholic Church in the sixteenth century. Emperor Constantine, the first Christian emperor of Rome, ordered the construction of St. Peter Basilica on the Vatican hill. The location was chosen symbolically, on the spot where St. Peter, one of the apostles, was buried in AD 64. A small shrine already existed on the site, but it was replaced with a church which would be completed in 349 AD.   In ...
Basilica Santa Maria della Salute Basilica Santa Maria della Salute
While discovering and exploring Venice, it is impossible to not notice the grandeur and beauty of this church rising on the shore of Grand Channel.    On one of the banks of Grand Channel, in the seventeenth century, one of the most beautiful churches in Venice, Santa Maria della Salute, was built. A symbolic image of the floating city, it appears in many documentaries about the Venetian architecture but also in many paintings made by famous artists such as Michele Marieschi, Francesco Guardi, John Singer Sargent, Walter Sickert and, of course, Canaletto.    After the plague of 1630, which is said to have killed nearly a third of Venice population, the Vene...
Basilica di Santa Maria del Fiore Basilica di Santa Maria del Fiore
  Designed to be the world's largest cathedral, Santa Maria del Fiore is nowadays surpassed in size by St. Peter in the Vatican, St. Paul's Cathedral in London and Milan. It was designed by Arnolfo di Cambio in 1296, as the Florentines desired to have a place of prayer more beautiful than those of Pisa and Siena, rival cities; it was built on the ruins of an old church, Santa Reparata. When it was finished, it was the largest cathedral in Europe of that era, being able to accommodate 30,000 worshipers. The cathedral is remarkable f...

Best wine of Lombardy Italy (Italy - Wines)

Cellatica wine Cellatica wine
Cellatica wine is produced in Lombardia (Italy), in 6 municipalities in the province of Brescia, including capital...
Garda wine Garda wine
Garda wine is produced in Lombardia (Italy), in the area between the provinces of Brescia, Mantova and Verona...
Garda Colli Mantovani wine Garda Colli Mantovani wine
Garda Colli Mantovani wine is produced in Lombardia (Italy), in 6 municipalities in the province of Mantova...

Best wine of campania (Italy - Wines)

Aversa wine Aversa wine
Aversa wine is produced in Campania (Italy), ...
Taurasi wine Taurasi wine
Taurasi wine is produced in Campania (Italy), ...
Aglianico of Taburno or Taburno wine Aglianico of Taburno or Taburno wine
Aglianico of Taburno or Taburno wine is produced in Campania (Italy), ...

Best wine of Puglia (Italy - Wines)

Aleatico of Puglia wine Aleatico of Puglia wine
Aleatico of Puglia wine is produced in Puglia (Italy), across the region...
Alezio wine Alezio wine
Alezio wine is produced in Puglia (Italy), in 4 municipalities in the province of Lecce, including Alezio...
Brindisi wine Brindisi wine
Brindisi wine is produced in Puglia (Italy), ...

Best wines of Calabria (Italy - Wines)

Cirò wine Cirò wine
Cirò wine is produced in Calabria (Italy), ...
Donnici wine Donnici wine
Donnici wine is produced in Calabria (Italy), ...
Calabria wine Calabria wine
Calabria wine is produced in Calabria (Italy), ...

Best wines of Sicily (Italy - Wines)

Cerasuolo of Vittoria wine Cerasuolo of Vittoria wine
Cerasuolo of Vittoria wine is produced in Sicilia (Italy),...
Etna wine Etna wine
Etna wine is produced in Sicilia (Italy), ...
Alcamo or Bianco d Alcamo or Bianco d'Alcamo wine
Alcamo or Bianco d'Alcamo wine is produced in Sicilia (Italy), ...