
The Most Impressive Geysers on the Earth -> World Tourism


About The Most Impressive Geysers on the Earth

Geyser ( Geysir , the name of one of the sources of " Golden Ring ", from the Islandic geysa - gush) is a source periodically ejecting fountains of hot water and steam. Geysers are one of the manifestations of later stages of volcanism , and common areas of modern volcanic activity provided by hydrogeological conditions. Being an intermittent hot water spring and vapor, volcanic, throwing water at regular intervals, to the sea lifting time form of a column, a geyser occurs if the activity of a volcano is at a late stage.


Large assets of geysers in the world are few , but they are of a rare beauty and fascination. They are a pride and remarkable natural phenomena for the states where they are situated . No matter what shape, cone-like or like fountains, geysers are rare as they need an almost perfect balance of heat and water conditions and the right rock and channeling.


Best spots of geysers in the world


There are few best spots of geysers in the world. There are only about a thousand geysers in the world situated on some major geothermal areas with geysers force on the Earth: Yellowstone Plateau in the U.S. A. (where it is concentrated about half of all existing geysers), Iceland, New Zeeland( 58 geysers), Kamchatka, Chile, Papua New Guinea ( 38 active geysers), Indonesia( Sumatra Island – 17 geysers), Eastern Africa ( 6 geysers), China ( 10 geysers), Japan ( 4 geysers), Ethiopia and Kenya( very few).


Europeans first learned about the Icelandic geysers in the thirteenth century. Yellowstone geysers were far from the civilized world until of the first decade of the nineteenth century. John Colter ‘s stories were perceived as nonsense for too long time. It took more than fifty years, unless specific expedition with the participation of artists and photographers convinced people of the existence of the world's largest geyser fields in the super-giant caldera of the dormant. In 1872, Yellowstone geysers were under the protection of the world's first national park. In 1850, a missionary from R. Taylor became aware of the geysers in New Zealand. It was only in 1941 that is only recently in historical terms, has been committed by one of the last great geographical discoveries on the planet. Thegeologist T. Ustinova and the conductor Alexander Krupenin, apparently, were the first humans to set foot on the shore of the river called Geyser.


What threatens the geysers? How long do they live? In some parts of the world geothermal geysers are simply former constructions. In the 19th century , New Zealand North Island had five major geyser fields, which erupted about 220 geysers, now it has only 58 geysers, some of them quite small. The reasons for the disappearance of New Zealand's geysers are different : natural disasters (volcanic eruption of Tarawera, changes on the groundwater levels), the drilling for the construction of thermal power plants, flooding during the construction of hydroelectric power. The most powerful geyser on the Earth , Waimangu existed in New Zealand from 1899 to 1904. With each eruption, it threw about 800 tons of water and trapped many jet stones raised by half a kilometer high. There are even cases of death, found themselves too close to the erupting from the giant. But Waimangu stopped working due to the lower water levels in the nearby lake.


Geysers are valuable destinations in the world. A fascinating circuit where you can live unforgettable moments is visiting spectacular attractions such as the mysterious geysers. They offer fascinating landscapes where majestic volcanoes and impressive lava formations are found together. If you are a geyser fan, we offer a selection of the most beautiful and largest geysers in the world.

Vote the best in order to establish the winner in The Most Impressive Geysers on the Earth.

The Fly Geyser, Nevada, U.S.A.

Great attraction   There are many places on the planet that can easily be classified as miracles. The creations of nature are unmatched, and the most bizarre of them became attractions. The Fly Geyser is surely, one of them. At first it may seem that this geyser is not real, or it is just a foo...

Sol de Manana Geyser, Bolivia

Bolivia lies on a golden throne and it is very rich in natural resources : gold, tin and it serves as a great tourist attraction for many people.   Location   Sol de Manana is an area of a...

Prince of Wales Feathers Geyser, New Zealand

New Zealand is not a very large island, but very fascinating. Breathtaking mountain panoramas and coastlines, and not only ... New Zealand is a peaceful, quiet ,relaxing and picturesque country. The whole country is seething and bubbling like a huge cauldron, suspended above an underground fire. “The earth trembles, and its bark is like a cake pan in many places, crac...

The Old Geysir, Iceland

Location   Geyser is the oldest geyser of Iceland located in the south Haukadalur valley, east of Reykjavik (100 km). The fame of this area was brought by the geysers – hot springs or underground sources that periodically emit (gushes) in the ...

The Castle Geyser, Yellowstone National Park

An objective list of one hundred most beautiful places on the earth should not miss the Yellowstone National Park . Opened since1872 by U.S. President Ulysses S. Grant, Yellowstone covers the territory of three states: Montana, Idaho and Wyoming and annually attracts millions of visitors. The Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming has around 500 or so of the world’s geysers. ...

The Pohutu Geyser, Rotorua, New Zealand

A long time ago on the continent that scientists called Godwana, people started to drift to the southeast pieces of sushi. Millions of years they drifted and drifted until it took the places on the Earth's surface, where today we usually look at the maps and continents of Australia, Antarctica and the islands of New Zealand. Better than any other of their co-drift settlements New Zealand’s climate a...

The Giant Geyser, Kamchatka

Russia has the largest number of geysers on the territory of the Kamchatka Peninsula, not far from the Kikhpinych volcano in the Geyser Valley. For a long time they were not known, the valley of geysers was discovered only in 1941. At present there are about 100, including about 20 large geysers. The geysers are not inferior in height and strength in comparison with the water...

The Strokkur Geyser, Iceland

Description   Oohs and aahs raise from the clockwork. The turquoise water gurgles and bubbles from over the holes and it grows and grows until, with the pop and hiss, beats up, shooting to an impressive 30m high. Cue oohs and aahs.   ...

The Valley of Geysers , Kamchatka

About the Valley of Geysers   The Valley of Geysers is the original card of Kamchatka and the brightest natural sights of the peninsula. It is the world’ s famous place, one of the greatest geographic...

The Old Faithful Geyser, Yellowstone Park

The Yellowstone National Park   The Yellowstone National Park is located in the northwest part of Wyoming, "climbing" on the territory of other two states - Idaho and Montana. There are many geysers in the Yellowstone Park geyser basin...

The Waimangu Geyser, New Zealand

The Waimangu Valley   The Waimangu Valley is a bleak desert of craters and boiling pools. It goes beyond the Tarawera and the Rotomahana lakes , once guarded by the famous Pink and White Terraces...

The Steamboat Geyser, Yellowstone National Park, U.S.A

The Yellowstone National Park   Steamboat is located in North America, USA, in Yellowstone Park. This is not the only geyser, decorating the first and the most famous national park of the United States, but it is the largest of all the other geysers, available here....

El Tatio Valley of Geysers, Andes, Chile

The valley of huge geysers   El Tatio is a high geyser field on the border with Bolivia, one of the most spectacular natural attractions of Chile. The most impressive and dramatic geysers appear at dawn, that is why it is required to wake u...

Lady Knox Geyser, New Zealand

Unearthly landscapes in a cloud of smoke and steam, yellow-green, purple, yellow-brown colors of the soil water… At 27 km south of Rotorua is a volcanic area: Wai-o-Tapu. Wai-O-Tapu - (translated from the Maori language means "holy water"), a region with high geothermal activity in the south of the volcanic center Okataina, north of Rotorua, the Taupo volca...

The Excelsior Geyser, Yellowstone National Park

Geysers are wonderful, impressive phenomena, but rare . They can be seen in a few places on the planet. One of them is the Yellowstone National Park in the U.S.A. Geysers and springs are not concentrated in one place. They are scattered on a fairly large area and form complexes attractions.   ...

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