Upside Upside holiday best destinations


Upside holiday best destinations

The Upside-Down House

The Upside-Down House

The Upside-Down House - The Most Bizarre Houses in the World

It represents a memorial to the horrors of communism and crimes against the humanity. The house was built at the initiative of Daniel Czapiewski, a Polish businessman who deals with the construction of wooden houses. The construction lasted 114 days, 5 times more than usual, because the workers felt confused and disoriented in the strange house. The house is a tourist attraction, but people who visit complain of symptoms similar to sea sickness. ...

the most bizarre houses, the most strange houses, the most weird houses, the most strange buildings, the most unusual houses, architecture, amazing houses, amazing buildings, amazing architecture, funny buildings funny houses,Poland, The Upside-Down House in Poland, Daniel Czapiewski, Guinness Book, wooden house

Upside Down Falls in Hawaii

Upside Down Falls in Hawaii

Upside Down Falls in Hawaii - The most beautiful waterfalls in the world

Cascade name says it all! Konahuanui fell on top of the mountain, Waterfall Reverse Water falls over several feet before the wind got a blow back up. Hawaii deserves to be and only get to see with your eyes this true wonder of nature. Oafu island and you'll find famous Waikiki Beach and excellent locations for scuba diving....

Waterfalls, beautiful, river, water, amazing, landscape, panoramic, Upside Down Falls, Hawaii

Upside Down House, Poland

Upside Down House, Poland

Upside Down House, Poland - The strangest houses in the world

   The Upside Down House was designed by a Polish businessman and philanthropist, Daniel Czapiewski, and it is located in the Education Centre in the small village of Szymbark, Poland. It aims to be an art statement about the Communist era in Poland as well as the current state of the world. The house was built in 114 days, due to the fact that workers were disorientated by the strange angles of the walls. ...

Houses, strange, weird, building, house, edifice, tourism, travelling, trips, Upside Down House, Poland