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Antarctica holiday best destinations

Antarctica - The Cleanest Places in the World
It is truly an untouched and clean place. Almost 96% of the surface of this continent is covered with ice which in average is at least 1.6 km thick. Antarctica is the coldest and the most windy continent. Its waters are a cold food source for penguins, whales, seals and marine birds. People live here at various research stations. ...
the cleanest places in the world, the cleanest places on the Earth, the cleanest places on the planet, clean places, best places to spend your holidays, discover the cleanest places in the world, best environmental places, the greenest places, most accurate places, places with less pollution, environmental clean places, treasures of nature, natural places, worldwide tourism, Antarctica, Gondwana, Antarctica untouched and clean place

The best cruise in Antarctica
The best cruise in Antarctica - The most exciting cruise destinations around the world
Today Antarctica is a hot spot of ecotourism. This uninhabited land seems to be from another planet. With the exception of a few passionate researchers, in Antarctica there are no permanent residents and tourist traffic is controlled, in an effort to protect this fragile continent. The cruise passengers are limited to views of the ship. The absolutely amazing scenery enchants all the visitors. The landscape that...
the best cruise in Antarctica, the most exciting cruise destinations around the world

Antarctica - The most extreme holiday destinations
The perfect place to hear the creak of ice, to watch the penguins or freeze totally. Breathing would hurt, words would sound differently and you would soon discover that peace was invented here. In Antarctica. Antarctica is a truly unspoiled region of the world. The mysterious White Continent, with its multicolored ice cover, glistening glaciers and mountains, covered with snow caps, offers visitors unparalleled views and opportunity to watch vast numbers of penguins, whales, ...
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