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- Image Created: Thu, Mar 17th 2011, 08:52
- Image Title: The Saint George's Church- Exclusive architecture
- Image Exclusive architecture views: 714 times
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- Picture Tags: to visit Bulgaria, what to visit in Bulgaria, the top tourist destinations in Bulgaria, destinations in Bulgaria, The Saint George's Church in Sophia, Bulgaria

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- Image Created: Thu, Mar 17th 2011, 08:52
- Image Title: The Saint George's Church- Cultural heritance
- Image Cultural heritance views: 707 times
- Picture Country:
- Picture Tags: to visit Bulgaria, what to visit in Bulgaria, the top tourist destinations in Bulgaria, destinations in Bulgaria, The Saint George's Church in Sophia, Bulgaria

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- Image Created: Thu, Mar 17th 2011, 08:53
- Image Title: The Saint George's Church- Red brick construction
- Image Red brick construction views: 1127 times
- Picture Country:
- Picture Tags: to visit Bulgaria, what to visit in Bulgaria, the top tourist destinations in Bulgaria, destinations in Bulgaria, The Saint George's Church in Sophia, Bulgaria

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- Image Created: Thu, Mar 17th 2011, 08:54
- Image Title: The Saint George's Church- Christian art
- Image Christian art views: 616 times
- Picture Country:
- Picture Tags: to visit Bulgaria, what to visit in Bulgaria, the top tourist destinations in Bulgaria, destinations in Bulgaria, The Saint George's Church in Sophia, Bulgaria

- Image Url:
- Image Created: Thu, Mar 17th 2011, 08:55
- Image Title: The Saint George's Church- Ancient mosque
- Image Ancient mosque views: 639 times
- Picture Country:
- Picture Tags: to visit Bulgaria, what to visit in Bulgaria, the top tourist destinations in Bulgaria, destinations in Bulgaria, The Saint George's Church in Sophia, Bulgaria