images the Kalaja Fortress in Tirana - best pictures the Kalaja Fortress in Tirana -> All countries destinations pictures
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- Image Url:
- Image Created: Fri, Mar 4th 2011, 09:13
- Image Title: The Kalaja Fortress of Tirana- Kalaja Old Town
- Image Kalaja Old Town views: 774 times
- Picture Country:
- Picture Tags: to visit Albania, the Kalaja Fortress in Tirana

- Image Url:
- Image Created: Fri, Mar 4th 2011, 09:13
- Image Title: The Kalaja Fortress of Tirana- Quiet streets
- Image Quiet streets views: 757 times
- Picture Country:
- Picture Tags: to visit Albania, the Kalaja Fortress in Tirana

- Image Url:
- Image Created: Fri, Mar 4th 2011, 09:14
- Image Title: The Kalaja Fortress of Tirana- Natural landscape
- Image Natural landscape views: 897 times
- Picture Country:
- Picture Tags: to visit Albania, the Kalaja Fortress in Tirana

- Image Url:
- Image Created: Fri, Mar 4th 2011, 09:14
- Image Title: The Kalaja Fortress of Tirana- Solemn silence
- Image Solemn silence views: 674 times
- Picture Country:
- Picture Tags: to visit Albania, the Kalaja Fortress in Tirana

- Image Url:
- Image Created: Fri, Mar 4th 2011, 09:17
- Image Title: The Kalaja Fortress of Tirana- Historical pride
- Image Historical pride views: 694 times
- Picture Country:
- Picture Tags: to visit Albania, the Kalaja Fortress in Tirana