
Map of Doha Google maps

Google Map: Map with zoom and satellite view of Qatar

On Doha

City Name: Doha
Latitude: 25.3
Longitude: 51.15
Timezone: +03:00
County: DOHA

On Qatar

Country Name: Qatar
Country FIPS104: QA
Country ISO2: QA
Country ISO3: QAT
Country ISON: 634
Country Internet: QA
Country Capital: Doha
Country Nationality Singular: Qatari
Country Nationality Plural: Qataris
Country Currency: Qatari Rial
Country Currency Code: QAR
Country Population: 769152

Regions of Qatar

Ad Dawhah
Al Ghuwayriyah
Al Jumayliyah
Al Khawr
Al Wakrah
Ar Rayyan
Jarayan al Batinah
Madinat ash Shamal
Umm Salal

Polls about Qatar

Villagio in Doha, Qatar

Villagio in Doha, Qatar


Villagio in Doha, Qatar - The most unusual shopping malls in the world

Mall, malls, largest malls, shopping, money, tourism, visit, shop, buy, Villagio, Doha, Qatar