
Map of Poland Google maps

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On Poland

Country Name: Poland
Country FIPS104: PL
Country ISO2: PL
Country ISO3: POL
Country ISON: 616
Country Internet: PL
Country Capital: Warsaw
Country Nationality Singular: Polish
Country Nationality Plural: Poles
Country Currency: Zloty
Country Currency Code: PLN
Country Population: 38633912

Regions of Poland


Polls about Poland

The Upside-Down House

The Upside-Down House


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The Warsaw International Film Festival

The Warsaw International Film Festival


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Torun in Poland

Torun in Poland


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Krakow Zoological Garden

Krakow Zoological Garden


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Wroclaw - The best budget city to visit in Europe

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Crooked House in Sopot, Poland

Crooked House in Sopot, Poland


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Upside Down House, Poland

Upside Down House, Poland


Upside Down House, Poland - The strangest houses in the world

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