
Map of Papua New Guinea Google maps

Google Map: Map with zoom and satellite view of Papua New Guinea

On Papua New Guinea

Country Name: Papua New Guinea
Country FIPS104: PP
Country ISO2: PG
Country ISO3: PNG
Country ISON: 598
Country Internet: PG
Country Capital: Port Moresby
Country Nationality Singular: Papua New Guinean
Country Nationality Plural: Papua New Guineans
Country Currency: Kina
Country Currency Code: PGK
Country Population: 5049055

Regions of Papua New Guinea

Milne Bay
Southern Highlands
Eastern Highlands
East New Britain
East Sepik
New Ireland
Western Highlands
West New Britain
National Capital

Polls about Papua New Guinea

Papua New Guinea

Papua New Guinea


Papua New Guinea - The Poorest Countries in the World

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Papua New Guinea

Papua New Guinea


Papua New Guinea - The Cleanest Places in the World

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Papua New Guinea

Papua New Guinea


Papua New Guinea - The most dangerous destinations in the world

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