
Map of Chisinau Google maps

Google Map: Map with zoom and satellite view of Moldova

On Chisinau

City Name: Chisinau
Latitude: 47.005
Longitude: 28.858
Timezone: +02:00
County: CHIS

On Moldova

Country Name: Moldova
Country FIPS104: MD
Country ISO2: MD
Country ISO3: MDA
Country ISON: 498
Country Internet: MD
Country Capital: Chisinau
Country Nationality Singular: Moldovan
Country Nationality Plural: Moldovans
Country Currency: Moldovan Leu
Country Currency Code: MDL
Country Population: 4431570

Regions of Moldova

Stinga Nistrului

Polls about Moldova

Memorial Complex "Eternity"

Memorial Complex "Eternity"


Memorial Complex "Eternity" - The best places to visit in Chisinau, Moldova

Chisinau, Moldova, East Europe, best places in Chisinau, best places to visit in Chisinau, best attractions in Chisinau, best places in Moldova, best attractions in Moldova, visit Moldova, trip to Moldova, Memorial Complex "Eternity", Chisinau, Moldova

Chisinau City Hall

Chisinau City Hall


Chisinau City Hall - The best places to visit in Chisinau, Moldova

Chisinau, Moldova, East Europe, best places in Chisinau, best places to visit in Chisinau, best attractions in Chisinau, best places in Moldova, best attractions in Moldova, visit Moldova, trip to Moldova, Chisinau City Hall, Chisinau, Moldova

"Mihai Eminescu" Theater

"Mihai Eminescu" Theater


"Mihai Eminescu" Theater - The best places to visit in Chisinau, Moldova

Chisinau, Moldova, East Europe, best places in Chisinau, best places to visit in Chisinau, best attractions in Chisinau, best places in Moldova, best attractions in Moldova, visit Moldova, trip to Moldova, "Mihai Eminescu" Theatre, Chisinau, Moldova

  National Square

National Square


National Square - The best places to visit in Chisinau, Moldova

Chisinau, Moldova, East Europe, best places in Chisinau, best places to visit in Chisinau, best attractions in Chisinau, best places in Moldova, best attractions in Moldova, visit Moldova, trip to Moldova, National Square, Chisinau, Moldova

The Public Garden “Stefan cel Mare”

The Public Garden “Stefan cel Mare”


The Public Garden “Stefan cel Mare” - The best places to visit in Chisinau, Moldova

Chisinau, Moldova, East Europe, best places in Chisinau, best places to visit in Chisinau, best attractions in Chisinau, best places in Moldova, best attractions in Moldova, visit Moldova, trip to Moldova, The Public Garden “Stefan cel Mare”, Chisinau, Moldova

The Botanical Garden

The Botanical Garden


The Botanical Garden - The best places to visit in Chisinau, Moldova

Chisinau, Moldova, East Europe, best places in Chisinau, best places to visit in Chisinau, best attractions in Chisinau, best places in Moldova, best attractions in Moldova, visit Moldova, trip to Moldova, The Botanical Garden, Chisinau, Moldova

National Museum of Ethnography and Natural History

National Museum of Ethnography and Natural History


National Museum of Ethnography and Natural History - The best places to visit in Chisinau, Moldova

Chisinau, Moldova, East Europe, best places in Chisinau, best places to visit in Chisinau, best attractions in Chisinau, best places in Moldova, best attractions in Moldova, visit Moldova, trip to Moldova, National Museum of Ethnography and Natural History, Chisinau, Moldova

National Museum of History

National Museum of History


National Museum of History - The best places to visit in Chisinau, Moldova

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Hotel Dacia

Hotel Dacia


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Hotel Codru

Hotel Codru


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Hotel Maxim Pasha

Hotel Maxim Pasha


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Nobil Luxury Boutique Hotel

Nobil Luxury Boutique Hotel


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 Gloria Hotel

Gloria Hotel


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The hotel Club Royal Park

The hotel Club Royal Park


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Hotel Leogrand&Convention Center

Hotel Leogrand&Convention Center


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