
Map of Frankfurt Google maps

Google Map: Map with zoom and satellite view of Germany

On Frankfurt

City Name: Frankfurt
Latitude: 50.117
Longitude: 8.683
Timezone: +01:00
County: FRAN

On Germany

Country Name: Germany
Country FIPS104: GM
Country ISO2: DE
Country ISO3: DEU
Country ISON: 276
Country Internet: DE
Country Capital: Berlin
Country Nationality Singular: German
Country Nationality Plural: Germans
Country Currency: Euro
Country Currency Code: EUR
Country Population: 83029536

Regions of Germany


Polls about Germany

Commertzbank Tower

Commertzbank Tower


Commertzbank Tower - The most attractive places to visit in Frankfurt, Germany

The best places to visit in Frankfurt, Germany, The best touristic attractions in Frankfurt, Germany, The most beautiful places to visit in Frankfurt, Germany, The Most attractive places to visit in Frankfurt, Germany, The best places to admire in Frankfurt, Germany, Commertzbank Tower, Frankfurt, Germany

Alte Oper

Alte Oper


Alte Oper - The most attractive places to visit in Frankfurt, Germany

The best places to visit in Frankfurt, Germany, The best touristic attractions in Frankfurt, Germany, The most beautiful places to visit in Frankfurt, Germany, The Most attractive places to visit in Frankfurt, Germany, The best places to admire in Frankfurt, Germany, Alte Oper, Frankfurt, Germany




Paulskirche - The most attractive places to visit in Frankfurt, Germany

The best places to visit in Frankfurt, Germany, The best touristic attractions in Frankfurt, Germany, The most beautiful places to visit in Frankfurt, Germany, The Most attractive places to visit in Frankfurt, Germany, The best places to admire in Frankfurt, Germany, Paulskirche, Frankfurt, Germany




Grüneburgpark - The most attractive places to visit in Frankfurt, Germany

The best places to visit in Frankfurt, Germany, The best touristic attractions in Frankfurt, Germany, The most beautiful places to visit in Frankfurt, Germany, The Most attractive places to visit in Frankfurt, Germany, The best places to admire in Frankfurt, Germany, Grüneburgpark, Frankfurt, Germany

Senckenberg Museum of Natural History

Senckenberg Museum of Natural History


Senckenberg Museum of Natural History - The most attractive places to visit in Frankfurt, Germany

The best places to visit in Frankfurt, Germany, The best touristic attractions in Frankfurt, Germany, The most beautiful places to visit in Frankfurt, Germany, The Most attractive places to visit in Frankfurt, Germany, The best places to admire in Frankfurt, Germany, Senckenberg Museum Of Natural History, Frankfurt, Germany




Rӧmerberg - The most attractive places to visit in Frankfurt, Germany

The best places to visit in Frankfurt, Germany, The best touristic attractions in Frankfurt, Germany, The most beautiful places to visit in Frankfurt, Germany, The Most attractive places to visit in Frankfurt, Germany, The best places to admire in Frankfurt, Germany, Rӧmerberg, Frankfurt, Germany




Kaiserdom - The most attractive places to visit in Frankfurt, Germany

The best places to visit in Frankfurt, Germany, The best touristic attractions in Frankfurt, Germany, The most beautiful places to visit in Frankfurt, Germany, The Most attractive places to visit in Frankfurt, Germany, The best places to admire in Frankfurt, Germany, Kaiserdom, Frankfurt, Germany

Bethmann Park

Bethmann Park


Bethmann Park - The most attractive places to visit in Frankfurt, Germany

The best places to visit in Frankfurt, Germany, The best touristic attractions in Frankfurt, Germany, The most beautiful places to visit in Frankfurt, Germany, The Most attractive places to visit in Frankfurt, Germany, The best places to admire in Frankfurt, Germany, Bethmann Park, Frankfurt, Germany