Königsallee Königsallee holiday best destinations


Königsallee holiday best destinations



Königsallee - The most popular places to visit in Düsseldorf, Germany

About Königsallee   Königsallee is one of the best known boulevards in Dusseldorf. It is called Kö by the local people and is famous for both the landscaped canal that runs along its center, as well as for the fashion showrooms and luxury retail stores located along its sides. This is a paradise especially for the ladies because...

Germany, Düsseldorf, best places in Düsseldorf, best places to visit in Düsseldorf, the best attractions in Düsseldorf, trip to Düsseldorf, best attractions in Düsseldorf, best destinations in Düsseldorf, visit Düsseldorf, Königsallee, Düsseldorf, Germany