Destinations / The best places to visit in Salzburg, Austria / St Peter's Abbey
St Peter's Abbey
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Quarter around St Peter's Benedictine monastery is the oldest district of Salzburg. The main entrance to the monastery is located facing a side entrance from Franziskanerkirche (St. Fancisc). Monastery of St. Peter in Salzburg is the oldest monastery in the German world. There are people who say it is the oldest continuously active monastery north of the Alps. The monastery was restored to the feet of St. Rupert in the year 696.
Rupert needed a base for his missionary work. Allegedly used an existing community of monks, whose origins seem to date from the time of the 5th century St. Severin. These things are written and attested by the inscriptions on the walls. Until 987 Monastery abbot of St. Peter was bishop of Salzburg itself. After this year the two functions were separated, even if St. Peter has remained the official residence of the bishop until 1110.
In the Middle Ages came a competition between the monastery and bishopric. Monastery of St. Peter has become known for scriptorium or (copied manuscripts place) and went through a series of modernist reform in the 15th century, named after the monastery of Melk reforms with the same name. In 1622, Prince Archbishop Paris Lodron founded the University of Salzburg, a University Benedictine monastery located under the patronage of St. Peter. University of Salzburg was controlled by the monastery of St. Peter to the secularization and finally transformation into a university college in 1810.
Re-establishment of the full university is also closely linked to the Monastery of St. Peter since Karl Klotz is the elder who founded this joint effort in 1926. A year later, St. Peter's Monastery was built in rank. Nazis and Benedictine monks were expelled and their property confiscated all but disbanded manastrirea not as such. The monks have returned immediately after the war.
Monastery of St. Peter owns much land in Salzburg and around the city, these properties help in charity work, spiritual and cultural development of the approximately 20 monks. In 2010, Grand Abbot of the monastery, Bruno Becker, resigned after he admitted sex abuse of a child about 40 years ago. The incident was desoperit in a wave of similar cases reported throughout Europe and caused many debates in Salzburg, where the Monastery of St. Peter and the abbot they have a privileged status.
Church of St. Peter is a Romanian-style monastery dating from the times of Creation. He was decorated with elements of Baroque style in the early 17th century under Abbot Beda Seeauer. Is one of many buildings in Salzburg that contain elements of Romanian and Rococo styles.
The first church here was probably built shortly after the death of Saint Rupert but it was left standing than the ground floor of west tower. After a fire in the year 1127, this basilica was built under Abbot Balderich, around 1130.
The nave of the church containing the altar Rupert prinvipal with so-called "tomb stone" which was originally the tomb of St. Rupert. Some bones of the saint are kept in a sanctuary of the altar in the middle of the nave, but most are relics of Saint Rupert storage in another sanctuary under the main altar of the cathedral of Salzburg.
In the nave on the right there is the second tomb of a saint, St. Vitalis, made of red marble of Adnet. The main altar is also made of marble and is decorated with a painting by Martin Johann Schmidt. Benedikt's decorations belong Zöpf and some paintings and frescoes by Franz Xaver König. Around chapels can admire a series of frescoes by Anton Faistauer modern.
Monastery of St. Peter houses the oldest library in Austria. One of the most important pieces of the collection is a piece from the 8th century called Verbrüderungsbuch. Library was modernized in 1768 Rococo style. This library is not open to the public and can be seen very rarely guided special occasions. St. Peter Monastery Library holds about 100,000 volumes. Also here the various annotations and collections of musical instruments, important archives and other collections that are still in possession of the monastery. Tourists will soon notice the old restaurant Peterskeller famous cemetery, the latter dates from 803.
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By Maria Morari
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Best places to visit in Salzburg, Austria
Images of St Peter's Abbey, icons, photos, figures, visions, appearances, illustrations, snapshots, captures, canvas and pictures of St Peter's Abbey - The best places to visit in Salzburg, Austria
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