
Eco-friendly locations / The Most Beautiful Caves and Grottos of the World / Lechuguilla Cave,U.S.A.


Lechuguilla Cave,U.S.A.


Lechuguilla Cave at National Park Carlsbad Caverns is one of the longest caves in the world (210 km and the deepest cave of the continental U.S. (-489 m ). The cave is unique in its origin and diversity of crystalline mineral deposits. The name matches the name of the canyon cave, which houses the entrance, and, in turn, it is called by the Latin name of common local species of agave ( Agave lechuguilla ). Until 1986, Lechuga was known as the Misery Hole ("miserable hole") and it was a well depth of 25 m, resulting in dry moves of 120 m . In the 1950s, cavers reported wind noise in the dam at the bottom of the cave. In 1984, cavers from Colorado received permission from Carlsbad National Park guide to the excavations, and on May 26, 1986 it brought a new pit of the cave . In the cave there is a set of various sinter and crystalline structures, as carbonate ( calcite ,aragonite ) and sulfate ( gypsum , etc.). Many forms are unique, such as the giant gypsum "chandeliers" of up to 6 m. Lechuguilla Cave is the fifth in the opening of the passages in the world, with a long 207 km (128 miles). There are unusual and rare geological formation a large number of gypsum and sulfur deposits with a characteristic lemon-yellow. The cave is located in New Mexico at Carlsbad National Park.

Others The Most Beautiful Caves and Grottos of the World .


We see amazing things created by Mother Nature all around the world: huge mountains, beautiful plains, scary jungles and green forests, the lungs of our planet.
Do we know everything about this world? Of course not, and the most interesting thing is that we know a little about what is on the surface of this planet, but nothing is really aware of the fact of what is at the bottom, below the surface.
But underground there are many wonderful things, in particular, the caves, which keep their secrets from us humans.
I want to present to you, dear readers, the most interesting and the most beautiful caves of our world.
From childhood we are taught that there are caves with stalactites and stalagmites that have formed over centuries, millennia draining down water - drop by drop, and on the ceiling and the floor of the cave gradually formed tumors by mineral particles contained in water.
Caves are subterranean voids that were formed by leaching of soft rocks, tectonic processes, etc.
There is unique fauna in the caves, which members have developed other ways of feeling and movements due to the absence of light.
Each cave is a special world, where you can see its beauty.
Thus, the Onogonda Caves from Missouri and the Red Flute Cave of Canada are known for their stalactites and stalagmites.
The last was named so because the whole cave has excellent acoustic properties, and despite its length of 240 meters, the flute is perfectly audible from end to end.
There also are icy caves where there is plenty of both ice and fire.
The ceilings of some caves are completely covered with ice, and at the bottom some lava flows.
Such caves can be found in Vietnam, Scotland and Norway, respectively.
  Cavity: the real meaning of peace   Cavities are formed by water, which create enormous empty spaces below the surface, washing out the breed for millennia.
Few countries can boast such caves, the cave Deer, known as the longest mall in the world.
A closer example, the Hugden Grotto, known for its waterfalls and in Slovenia Skocjan equally beautiful and frightening.
Man slightly ennobled them, sheds and bridges were conducted under ground electricity, but it further emphasizes the wild nature of these caves.
Morokkan cave in North Africa is probably the most unusual and beautiful cave in the world.
The thing is that in the vault of this cave is a hole, through which the sun looks periodically.
People took it as marked by God for a long time because what else enters the cave beside the sun? Caves are places of mystery, paradox and beauty.
Find out which are the most amazing and famous caves and grottos in the world created by nature.

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Lechuguilla  Cave,U.S.A. - Incredible view
Lechuguilla Cave,U.S.A. - Incredible view

Lechuguilla  Cave,U.S.A. - Exciting natural treasure
Lechuguilla Cave,U.S.A. - Exciting natural treasure