
World Tourism / The Cleanest Places in the World / Bhutan




Bhutan is one of the most mysterious countries in the world. It has only recently become affordable for tourists. This fantastic country which lies at the heart of the Eastern Himalayas and almost untouched by the passage of time, was in almost complete isolation from the outside world for centuries. Its lofty and inaccessible border of an impenetrable veil had been shrouded in mystery.


This country located at the foothills of the Himalayas is a very clean area. Over 60% of the country is occupied by forests and a quarter of its territory has been designated a national park or protected area. Until 1961, Bhutan did not allow foreign tourists to visit the country. There are now areas of the country where tourism is strictly controlled by the authorities. The kingdom of Bhutan has adopted tourism with caution, in an effort to avoid its negative impact on the culture and on the environment of the country. The number of tourists is limited and controlled, however, there are very many tourists who want to admire and explore this amazing country.


The Kingdom of Bhutan.


The name of the country comes from the Tibetan Bod + anta - «margin of Tibet." The capital of Bhutan is Thimphu. The area of Bhutan is of 47 000 km2. The population of Bhutan is of 2049 thousand.


About Bhutan


 Bhutan is a state in South-Central Asia in the Eastern Himalayas . In the north and north-west it is bordered with China in the east, south and south-west with India . The administrative division of Bhutan . Bhutan consists of 8 provinces (Dzong). Bhutan is a constitutional monarchy ,the head of the state of Bhutan is the King. The official language of Bhutan is the Tibetan dialect Dzongkha.

Religion of Bhutan: 70% of the population profess Buddhism , 25% - Hinduism. The ethnic composition of Bhutan is:70% - Bhote, 20% - Nepalis. Currency of Bhutan. Ngultrum = 100 chertumam.


The climate of Bhutan.


The average temperature in January is of - 4 ° C, in July +17 ° C. Annual precipitations are from 1000 to 5000 mm per year. The best time to visit the country is from mid March to mid-June and from mid September to - mid-November. The summer season brings an incredible amount of precipitation and washes out mountain roads. Flora of Bhutan. Bhutan is a country of contrasts. In the valleys of the tributaries of Brahman-maputry grow bananas, the central part is occupied by forests in the north tower peaks of the Himalayas, covered with eternal snows. There are broad-leaved evergreen and deciduous trees and also pine forests. The fauna of Bhutan. Among the mammals there are elephants, rhinos, tigers, leopards, panthers, wild oxen, monkeys, musk deer, Himalayan black bear, fox. There are also found a lot of snakes.


Attractions of Bhutan.


The Palace of the High Lama, the Spiritual Academy Simtoha Dzog, Royal Residence Tashichho Dzog (Fortress of the blessed religion), Memorial Chhorten for the Third King of Bhutan Jigme Dorji Wangchuk, the Art School and the National Library. There are about 200 monasteries, where five thousand monks and nuns live in the kingdom. Useful information for tourists The best time to travel to Bhutan is during dry and sunny autumn. Since the beginning of September to the end of November, you can climb the mountain and travel throughout the country on foot, without fear of getting wet or cold. The most colorful festivals and celebrations devoted to the Guru Rimposhe Bhutan is the second Buddha and the most significant figure in the history of the country. "Tsechus" pass in the monasteries and dzon-gah summer and autumn last for several days, representing a strange mixture of traditional dances, religious performances and masquerade parades. This is perhaps the best opportunity to get in touch with the ancient culture of Bhutan and feel the spirit of its indigenous people, who intend to participate in festivals all over the country.


Tours in Bhutan


Have a journey into the world of divinely beautiful scenery and ancient temples. Tours in Bhutan will open you many riches of this country: the huge fortress-monasteries, Dzong, nestled in the canyons of the mountains or along the rough rivers, picturesque valleys and inaccessible cliffs, friendly locals, beautiful nature reserves and majestic mountains. And the most important, tours in Bhutan will give you a sense of happiness and prosperity, meditative relaxation and peaceful tranquility - the emotions that perfectly describe this country.

Others The Cleanest Places in the World .

Do you have time and money and you want to get acquainted with one of the cleanest places on the planet? Do you want to get acknowledged with some other cultures, experience a lot of adventures and at the same time equally relax? Then, travel to one of the cleanest places on the Earth.
This trip is suitable for lovers of beautiful landscapes and cultural values and anyone would be happy to spend little more money on luxury accommodation and excellent food.
  Embark on an unforgettable beauty - hidden waterfalls, majestic cliffs, magnificent coves and bays.
Many places on this planet have their special charm and amaze with breathtaking scenery.
If you're tired of noisy places and pollution and want to recharge your batteries with positive energies it's worth trying something totally different.
  Tourists worldwide are increasingly interested in the environmental performance of the countries and resorts where they will spend their holidays.
Therefore, there are some places considered the cleanest on the Earth.
Let’s discover these places and find out most interesting facts about them.
Every traveler who visits one of these places can see the beauty of this land, the wonders of nature and its unique landscapes of its kind.
Be amazed of the beauty and the accuracy of the places which are a real treasure of Mother Nature and enchant our souls and eyes.

Images of Bhutan, icons, photos, figures, visions, appearances, illustrations, snapshots, captures, canvas and pictures of Bhutan - The Cleanest Places in the World

Bhutan - Beautiful nature reserve and majestic mountains
Bhutan - Beautiful nature reserve and majestic mountains

Bhutan - Picturesque view
Bhutan - Picturesque view

Bhutan - Divinely beautiful scenery
Bhutan - Divinely beautiful scenery

Bhutan - Valuable place
Bhutan - Valuable place

Bhutan - The Kingdom of Bhutan
Bhutan - The Kingdom of Bhutan