
World Tourism / The Strangest Sculptures in the World / The Manneken Pis


The Manneken Pis


The Manneken Pis is one of the most famous attractions of Brussels, located near the Grand Place, at the intersection of Banna and Oak Streets. This is a miniature bronze statue-fountain in the form of a naked boy urinating in the pool.


The history of the statue


The exact time and the circumstances of the statue appearance is unknown. According to some reports, the 61 centimeters statue already existed in the XV century, probably from 1388. Some people of Brussels say that it is installed as a reminder of the Grimbergen war events, when the cradle with the son of Godfrey III of Leuven hang on a tree to encourage the citizens, and the child urinated from there on the fighting soldiers under the tree. According to another legend, the statue was originally intended to remind citizens about the boy who put out with a stream of urine the enemy ammunition laid under the city walls. The statue purchased its present form in 1619 thanks to the architect, the court sculptor and mannerist Jerome Dyukenua. The statue was repeatedly abducted beginning with 1695.


The traditions


There are several interesting traditions around the statue. For example, the water is replaced with wine or beer during the holidays. The statue is dressed in different costumes from time to time. These is not just a tradition, this is a great honor. A list of costumes is posted each month on the fountain lattice. According to it, the naked boy will change the outfits during the month. The costumes vary according to the list compiled by the non-profit organization "The Friends of Manneken Pis”. Usually a brass band plays during the ceremonies of costume change. Not far from the fountain, in the central square of Grote Maarkt, an exhibition of more than 800 costumes can be enjoyed in the Royal Museum.


Amazing statue


You should visit Brussels and take a look at this wonderful, funny, little boy. You will be amazed by the beautiful and interesting suit, and drink beer or wine, if it is a holiday. Don’t hesitate to obtain the emotions about which you can tell your friends.

Others The Strangest Sculptures in the World .

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A sculpture is an art form.
Its works have physically material, product volume and three-dimensional shape, placed in real space.
The main protagonists of a sculpture are people and wildlife images.
The main genres of the sculpture are the portrait, historical, mythological, personal, symbolic, allegorical images, and the figure of animals.
The materials used are metal, stone, clay, wood, plaster, and other modern fabrics.
  The sculpture exists since the ancient times.
At that period they represented people and animals.
Nowadays, the sculptures are widely used to attract crowds of tourists in each city.
That’s why some of them are totally different from the antique sites.
They are so strange.
They make you to think that the sculptor is totally crazy.
But certainly this makes you curious that you want to see the sculpture.
  There are a lot of monuments and sculptures in the world.
But not all of them are worth to be visited or seen, although they represent true masterpieces.
They all are made by famous people, sculptors, and painters.
But not the name of their builders gives them the fame.
It is hard to explain sometimes why a sculpture is the most visited, and another is not considered as the main tourist site.
Tourists choose by themselves what should be seen and what should not.
According to some statistics, the sculptures that seem to be very strange, gain the love and the attention of the public.
Enjoy your life spending great time admiring the craziest and the strangest sculptures you have ever seen.

Images of The Manneken Pis, icons, photos, figures, visions, appearances, illustrations, snapshots, captures, canvas and pictures of The Manneken Pis - The Strangest Sculptures in the World

The Manneken Pis - A dressed boy
The Manneken Pis - A dressed boy

The Manneken Pis - Amazing statue
The Manneken Pis - Amazing statue

The Manneken Pis - A naked boy
The Manneken Pis - A naked boy

The Manneken Pis - Dressed statue
The Manneken Pis - Dressed statue