
World Tourism / The Most Bizarre Houses in the World / The Cube Houses


The Cube Houses


Who goes through Rotterdam without visiting the cube houses, known by the locals as "Kubuswoningen", loses a lot! This residential complex was designed by the Dutch architect Piet Blom in 1984, at the request of the municipality of Rotterdam. It was an architectural experiment. The main goal was to create a bridge over one of the circulated city arteries. The architect designed it as a stylized forest complex. The complex contains 38 equal sized cubes, which contact with the ground only by one corner and three big cubes, which are common areas, inside which there is a school, fashion shops, a playground and an entertainment center. A single pilot house, fully furnished, can be visited by tourists. The remaining cubes are inhabited and were sold at the beginning of the project. Each cube is divided into three levels. The living room is on the first floor. The bedroom and the bathroom are on the second floor. And the kitchen and another room are on the triangular space of the first floor. The apartments have walls inclined at 45 degrees, which offer a spectacular view over the city.

Others The Most Bizarre Houses in the World .

Since the primary society, the houses designs were a reflection of the status in the society, marking to the social position and responding to the physical and the psychological wants of the man.
However, the discreet people bower changed beyond cognition as time went on and under the inspiration and influence of science and of the technology development.
Evolution has led to modifications not only in personal elements of design or decoration, the home as a whole changed, in obedience to unchecked human desire to diversify and to arrange life.
Everyone has its own lifestyle and builds the house according to his needs and preferences.
Some houses amaze by their size, others by their beauty, modesty and yet others by the finesse with which they are built.
But there are some houses that have very strange shapes.
They leave us stunned and make us believe that everything is possible.

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The Cube Houses - Interesting building
The Cube Houses - Interesting building

The Cube Houses - Kubuswoningen
The Cube Houses - Kubuswoningen