
Destinations / The Steepest Roads in the World / Calle Monroy Street


Calle Monroy Street


Calle Monroy Street is icluded in the district of Santa Ursula, Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain. Monroy Street descends from 638 to 430 metres and has a length of only 740 metres.  The average gradient over the entire street is of 28.1% , with a slope of 1 in 3.56, compared to Baldwin Street with a medium gradient of about ~22.3%. If we take the entire length of the street then we can determine the average gradient of the street. This street does not feature any flat parts. It is the steepest continuous grade sealed street with public access. 

The top portion of the street is so steep that concrete is used to seal this road instead of bitumen or tarmac. There are also  grooves casted into the concrete in a chevron pattern to aid in the traction of vehicles that are going up or down this incredible slope.
Many people are sometimes not even attempted to climb the fantastic street, because this is beyond their capability. This is not the only reason, but it can be dangerous, especialy in case you fail an attempt, you will definitely fall of and slide backwards down the surprising steep slope. It is quite hard to stop with good brakes as it is. On the opposite side of the road, a small shrine stands and reminds of someone who died here. That is why many tourists decide to approach it from the top and descend the whole length of Monroy Street  instead.
Despite any previous experience in downhill braking, many fans lose their confidence in walking down the  hill with no sort of speed along Monroy Street.
Calle Monroy was the perfect hill selected to challenge the previous claimants to the “steepest hill in the world.” Based on real facts, Canton Avenue and Fargo Street are probably a little bit steeper, from their top to bottom. Calle Monroy, however, is almost a half-mile at 28%, it is  5 times as long. The last half of the hill is mostly over 30%, so this is steeper then some other streets. This means that this hill gains almost the exact same vertical distance as Mount Tom in half the distance. We noticed that Calle Monroy keeps going after the end of the pavement that appears very strange and not so well- maintained. Adding that section, the distance jumps to 1.2 miles, and the average gradient actually goes up by 2 percent to 28.2%. This is completely nuts and dangerous. I wonder if anyone has ever done this thing on a bike? Extended 30% gradient is something I have no experience with. It if definitely a crazy experience to enjoy such adventure on this street. The whole area around Calle Monroy also looks to be littered with hills almost as steep as well. The wonderful area is very attractive, and offers unusual landscapes that are worth to be visited. Calle Monroy Street seems to be a gorgeous attraction for those who love  radical sensations, who love risking.

Others The Steepest Roads in the World .

Have you ever seen some difficult streets or roads to climb? It sounds strange but there are some amazing streets, very steep and dangerous during some seasons.
To live at the top of one of these roads would be an absolute nightmare.
The steepest roads in the world are wonderful sited,must visit landscapes, that offer spectacular views and exciting adventures.
These wonderful streets are  unique places, that were created due to the geographical position or due to their geology transfomation, offering some exceptional attractions.
If you want to live the best moments of your life than choose some of these radical destinations and make your own opinion based on reality.
This will be an unforgettable adventure for you, with fantastic sensations.
Do not hesitate and enjoy some wonderful moments, while visiting the steepest roads in the world!!!!!!  

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Calle Monroy Street - Dangerous road
Calle Monroy Street - Dangerous road

Calle Monroy Street - Great view
Calle Monroy Street - Great view

Calle Monroy Street - Amazing view
Calle Monroy Street - Amazing view