
Destinations / The most romantic places on the Earth / The Seychelles Islands- tropical romantic destination


The Seychelles Islands- tropical romantic destination


Once you dreamed a beautiful dream. You were walking along the sandy beach, caressing some sand in your hands; the sun was warming nicely to you ; the sea waves were splashing just outside and tried to win the fresh breath of breeze promising the highest performance of unfulfilled desires; the juicy tropical vegetation was striking an abundance of bright colors. And you especially remember the bizarre, wonderful fruits of a tree : the coconuts - the symbols of the femininity.

An infinite freedom, an infinite peace and at the same time a childish delight, bright and careless thinking. You were sunbathing, swimming in the ocean, trying exotic fruits and being afraid to wake up.

Would this be reality? Now you have a great chance to see it and believe in miracles. You were dreaming of Seychelles! Your rest is assured, your dream came true.


The Seychelles Islands are situated in the Indian Ocean. Each island is unique and attractive in its own way. Mahe, Praslin are incomparable and amazing. They are the islands where the famous palm trees and coconuts trees, bizarre fruit-bearing trees grow. Birds like Dennis, Deroche, Anonymous, Alphonse, and other birds live here. Nature in Seychelles is extraordinarily rich. Aromas of flowers and fruit will chase you everywhere.

The fauna of the islands is so varied that you want to gaze at it and at its inhabitants for hours long. Many species of birds, of bats and giant tortoises will catch your attention at once. Sincere, charming and friendly people of Seychelles will enchant you with kindness and hospitality. You will be served with traditional dishes and drinks.

The Seychelles Islands are different from other islands due to their climate features. They are located away from the cyclones zone , fact which makes them favorable all the year round. That's why you may have a wonderful winter holiday in Seychelles. Here you can forget of the cold from the city and fill yourself with positive energy until your next vacation. Comfortable hotels are doing Seychelles the most visited of the resorts.

Tours in Seychelles include not only swimming and sunbathing, but also a lot of entertaining sports. If you like an active leisure time, so the ocean’s expanses are at your service. Armed with a mask and fins, you will discover the rich underwater world with all its mysteries and treasures. And if you're a fan of golf, you expect top-notch, well-equipped and decorated playing fields.

But Seychelles also became the favorite destination for tourists due to its beaches and holidays are wonderful in Seychelles with sunny days and many romantic places. Plan a journey to the Seychelles , and you'll discover the real paradise. You will look at the world with different eyes and you will realize how many places you have not seen yet, and how many places remain to be seen.

The magical scenery of Seychelles surpasses the imagination of even the most talented artists.


Important facts


The Republic of Seychelles, Seychelles, are the official names of the island state in the western part of the Indian Ocean , just south of the equator , at about 1,600 km east of the African continent, north of Madagascar . The republic consists of over 100 islands and only 33 inhabited islands . The area of the country is of 455 km ². The largest island is Mahe (142 km ²) and Victoria is the capital of the state where an international airport is. Other major islands are- Silhouette , Praslin , La Digue . There are also a lot of small coral islands.

Seychelles has about 88 thousand people (2010). The official languages are English and Creole, but French is also spoken. It is a democratic presidential republic. The head of the state is the president James Michel. The bulk of the population is composed of French, Africans, Indians, Chinese and Arabs. Among religions there are Roman Catholics 82.3%, Anglicans 6.4%, Christians 4.3 %, Hindus 2.1%, Muslim 1.1%, and others. The currency in Seychelles is the Rupee (SR), which is equal to 100 cents.


Geographical position


Seychelles are situated at the equator near the Indian Ocean between 4 and 11 degrees south latitude and 46 and 57 degrees east longitude. The main island of the archipelago- Mahe is located at 2800 km northwest of Bombay, 1580 km east of Mombasa, and 950km from Madagascar. The area of the sea surface is of 1300000 sq km, the land area is of 442 sq km and the surface area of lagoons is of 280 Only twenty of the 115 islands and islets are inhabited. The highest point of the archipelago is located on Mount Mourne in Seychelles (Hill) at 907 m above the sea level.

Until 1881, there were only granite and three small coral islands (Denis, Cattle and Platt) on the Seychelles Islands. Since 1881 the island of the group Amirantskih, Alphonse, Providence and Aldabra were withdrawn from the jurisdiction of the administration and returned to Mauritius Seychelles. In 1976 a completely new state - the Republic of Seychelles was formed. The islands of Desroches, Farquhar and Aldabra, separated in 1965 to form the Chagos Archipelago, together with the British Indian Ocean Territory were returned to the Seychelles Islands..


The SEYCHELLES GROUP : Mahe, Praslin and La Digue, St Anne's, Deer, Long, Medium, Round, Sterile, Kas, Grand Rocher, Nameless, Stilts, Rat, Mouse, an island of Teresa, Conception Island, Bat island , Cousin, Round, Bat , Crazy Island, Arid, Institu, Elder Sister, Younger Sister, Marianne, Félicité, Coco, La Fursh, Silhouette, Northern, Mamell, Reef, Frigate Cow island, Denis, Platt, Koetivi.


AMIRANTSKIE ISLANDS: Remir, Etoile, Budez, Desroches, Marie-Louise, Southern, African Banks, Saint-Joseph, Fouquet, Resource, Petit Karkassey, Benjamin, Dog, Pelican, Paul Ferrari, Vars, coconut beach, Poivre, Florante, Southern, Alphonse, Bizhute, Saint-Francois.


ALDABARDA GROUP: Astov, Assompson, Aldabra, Picard, Polimni, Malabar, Pine, Michelle, Esprit, Mosquito, Park, Emil, Young, Dubois, Magnan, Lanier, North Pagoda, True, Keith, Goelett, Grand Paulette, Paulette Petit, Great.


Farquhar Group:Providence St. Peter's, Deer shelf, North Island, South, South Manah, Northern Manah, Middle Manah, Deposit, Sandbanks.




These godforsaken places, in all probability, were discovered by the Arab navigators, who were rushing to the south for commerce and for religious reasons. The merchants who lived on the east coast of Africa, mainly on the Comoro Islands, constantly floated across the archipelago on their way to the Persian Gulf.

At first, mentions as the so-called "high islands" appeared, written by the historian and the traveler Al Mas'udi in 916. Then the islands were often called Sarin (meaning "sister"). With greater accuracy, we can talk about what had happened since the era of the great geographical discoveries, when the Portuguese caravels reached the Indian Ocean.

In 1510, Joan de Nova discovers some of the Seychelles islands and gives his name (in the last century being replaced by the name of Farquhar). In 1511 Vasco da Gama, being then an admiral, sailed in the designated area, and the Portuguese cartographers first inflicted their compass card on the big island Ilya Ghana, today the island of Mahe. In 1506, names like Al Irmash –the Seven Sisters and Osh Irmash- the Seven Brothers appeared on the map of these islands.

The islands of the Indian Ocean had been scoured by many ships of the merchants who were carrying spices, gold and precious stones – a perfect prey for the pirates, expelled from the governors of the Antilles and the Caribbean Islands. From 1650 till 1730 the treasures of the islands was a new market infringed by many pirates. Beginning with 1685 year they committed many robberies, after which the British and the French agreed to deploy large forces to rid the ocean of audacious pirates.

The ideal place to hide the loot were the Seychelles, which were uninhabited at that time. One of the most famous pirate was the Frenchman Olivier Levasseur, nicknamed Hawk. He had done too much to hope for forgiveness of the authorities, and in 1730 he was captured and sentenced to death. According to the legend, standing at the foot of the gallows, Hawk pulled out a mysterious icon paper under his shirt and threw it into the crowd, exclaiming: "Let that who deciphers, be the heir of my treasures!"

There are already 250 years, and the treasures aren’t still found . The people from Seychelles are convinced that they are hidden on the island of Mahe, on the part of Bel Ombre. Since then, and today many days are spent haunting these fabulously treasure. People are looking for and transmit the faith of them from generation to generation, devoting their lives to the main goal - to find the treasure. Is there any treasure or not, but the search continues with the help of the Government of Seychelles, which could get a good share (and a good advertising for the tourism development) if the treasure is discovered, perhaps the most fantastic of all the pirates’ booty.

A lot of different stories relating to the treasure passed from mouth to mouth, so that the seekers of gold at the legendary islands of the case will suffice: Godula hid his treasure on the island of Silhouette. Quite good trophies can be hidden on the island of Fregate. In 1972 an anchor of the Portuguese warship that sank in 1760, with trophies, captured in India was found on the Astov island. This prompted the searchers to dig the entire area to find the treasure. They found jewelry and silver spoons. Part of the property was returned to the government, but some things disappeared from the safe of the General Attorney one day.

In the 17th century, the French decided to settle on some of the Seychelles islands, in order to use them not only as intermediate points on the way to their offices, but also as an area of tropical crops plantations. In 1663 the island of Bourbon (Reunion) was completely inhabited and developed rapidly both in terms of resettlement, and exploitation of the natural resources (especially the coffee tree breeding). Gradually, France colonized another areas. In 1756, on behalf of the King of France the captain Nikola Morpheus officially took possession of the island, named in the honor of the Seychelles the treasurer of France.

In 1811 the British seized the islands, renamed them in the Seychelles and Mauritius, and in 1903 the power of Mauritius was removed from the island, becoming a separate British colony. An international airport was opened in 1972 on the Mahe Island. In 1975, Seychelles became an "autonomous colony" of the United Kingdom, and in 1976 it was proclaimed the Republic. James Menchem was elected President of the Republic of Seychelles.

In 1979, the Prime Minister of France-Albert Rene, became the president of Seychelles until 2004. On April 14, 2004 President Rene was resigned, and the presidency was handed to the vice-president James Michel and the remaining leaders of the Progressive Front of the Seychelles People.


Seychelles Attractions


The Botanical Gardens of Mont Fleury


The Botanical Gardens of Mont Fleury were founded by Mr. Dupont, then director of the botanical station, in 1901. He was a tireless traveler, and brought gifts as : decorative tropical plants, fruit trees, plants and spices from his wandering places. Today this territory, which occupies 6 hectares of land, decorates nearly 200 different types of exotic and native plants. The majestic trees, creeping twined vines, ferns and lichens grow on the hillside, nice lawn and bizarre rocks - all these give the appearance of the park. Six endemic and indigenous species of trees can be found here: the famous sea coconut palm, cabbage, Rack fan, fan leaf, fan , palms, , tali pot . Besides bottled and bamboo palms, three dozen of other trees are scattered around the park , not to mention the dozens of species of six other trees. Shrubs and grasses lush in the forest of the park. Bats, fruit bats hang upside down the branches of the large trees, bright green lizards and little brown geckos hide under the cover of fallen leaves on the forest path. Three small ponds located near a straw hut attract your attention and a cafeteria, surrounded by venerable trees. After visiting the island of Mahe, it is impossible not to visit the Botanical Garden.


The Royal Gardens


Once in Royal Bay, you will see signs that lead you to an area of one hundred areas occupied by the Royal Gardens, another attraction of Seychelles. This is a wonderful old territory surrounded by tropical gardens with a variety of plants exudes with extraordinary fragrances. Walking down the hill, you will see clove, pepper, nutmeg trees, avocados, cotton, cocoa trees, fifteen varieties of banana trees, breadfruit, you can taste the local apple trees with small, pear-shaped, red , very thirst-quenching fruits. And, as every tourist wants to have something as a souvenir of an unforgettable walk through this garden, new planters will offer you something of the growth on their land (mainly spices).


Do not forget to go to the old Creole Georges’ house. Two rooms are opened for the visitors.


Michael Adams’ Workshop.


The son of the rubber plantation is the owner and the standard-bearer of the Seychelles paintings for many years. Be sure to visit his studio, which is located in the bay of the Blue Hens. His canvases are valued in gold, but you can buy one of the reproductions of the artist.


The Natural History Museum – the National Museum.


Here you can find articles and documents related to the history of Seychelles. Exhibits as the triple sea coconut palm nuts, jaw alligator found in the Royal Bay, and a reminder of what used to be the archipelago overrun by reptiles are presented here. The killed monster had a length of 4 m at 3 meters in the circumference of the abdomen. In this somewhat gloomy hall the shells of turtles are displayed. You can visit the Museum of the United Party Seychelles’ People, named after the party in 1964.


The Artisans’ village


Village Artisans is located near the building of the Creole Institute. Unfortunately it is closed for the visitors. But you can enter and see a beautiful wooden building of the colonial architecture. This refurbished large master's house with antique furniture and parquet perfectly recreates the atmosphere of good old colonial times. This house stands in the center of the village, which consists of several pavilions built to display the various crafts of Seychelles. The beautiful bar-restaurant "Cinnamon apple" is opened to tourists.


The Tea Tavern


You can also visit the Tea Tavern - a tea factory. In a shop you can buy citronella, a well-known drink, favorite for tourists which improves digestion and is useful for rheumatism.


The May Valley


The May Valley is considered by many the mythical Garden of Eden, the primeval paradise, with this amazing oddity of vegetation. The famous sea coconut gave birth to many legends. In May 1966 the valley became a natural reservation. This is where you experience a strange feeling and at the same time secure the trap, under the vault of live foliage, through which the sunlight barely. You cannot hear any sound except the murmur of streams and the whistle of the black parrots. There are five routes that are marked with special arrows. All paths of the forest are excellently directed. A cafeteria works in a small house where they sell tickets.


The National Marine Park


The National Marine Park St. Anne covers the waters opposite the Victoria and around the Deer, Medium, Round, Long Islands and are supervised by rangers. Tourists can admire the magnificent coral depths of the kingdom, making trips on glass-bottomed boats and take a journey of about seven hours.


Economy of Seychelles


In general, the country is strong enough. Tourism and fishing are the two main sources of income, feeding the Seychelles. The development of other sectors, particularly agriculture, food industry (breweries, mineral water, tobacco industry), as well as the production of tea, cinnamon and copra are important for the country too. Providing the most needed, the country is able to cut costs on food imports. In many places there were experimental farms for cows, pigs and poultry rearing, as well as to increase the profitability to date, little or poorly cultivated lands.


Some species of European vegetables such as tomatoes, carrots, corn, cabbage had been acclimatized with success. In the field of agriculture the country has not achieved the desired results yet. It is no wonder that nobody in the world consumes as much fish as the people of Seychelles. In 1977, the archipelago was declared the most "exclusive marine economic zone" of 200 nautical miles, which should have been a stimulus to the development of industrial fishing.


From that time on, foreigners had to either pay rent for the commercial fishing of tuna (the most profitable fish), or come to an agreement with the authorities. The rise of fisheries stimulated the creation of several processing plants. In 1987, due to France's funds the largest factory for canning tuna up to 600 jobs was opened. This is the pride of the state, the biggest factory in the Indian Ocean, bringing considerable income to the country.


The income from tourism accounts for 20 to 25% of the national income, as well as the hotels’ and restaurants’ service. However, the number of the hotel rooms in the system approaches 4900, that allows to receive 150 000 visitors, and this figure does not intend to exceed the state, to avoid harmful effects on the ecology of the country, 43% of the area is declared a protected area. Many tourists love to celebrate their weddings on the archipelago. The country also develops the brewing. Along with well-known European brands, domestic beers are in demand too, "Sabre" , a nice light beer fortresses at 4.9 degrees. Today, the production of carbonated beverages exceeds the volume of beer production, amounting to only 43% of "Shaft."


Nature in Seychelles


General Gordon called the Seychelles Islands- paradise. The nature of these places is extremely diverse. Lush vegetation covers the high hills, down to the very coast, thereby, as it envelops the earth with a soft green blanket. Seychelles topographical names often have animalistic origin: the Dove Mountain, Bay of Formic, Whale Bay. "Animal" names were given to many islands, especially small: Island Cow, Bat, Rat, Dog, Pelican, Rabbit, Mosquito. It probably depends on what animals inhabited the island. On the island of Aldabra is possible to see a lot of giant tortoises.


The French explorers and colonists had hunted tortoises that could have disappeared forever but, fortunately, in the last moments the authorities prevented their mass destruction. Now here there are at least 150 000 individuals. At the time of the cessation of their growth, some reached 1.5 m in length and up to 500 kg body weight. The life expectancy, they might have reached was a 300th anniversary. The famous Esmeralda, a turtle from the Bird Island, and her cousin George from the Cousin Island have two hundred years.


The sea turtles, had once been hunted in the archipelago and are not a lot, and the need to maintain this kind of turtles is forced by the state limiting their catch. The two most common species are chosen on the Aldabra shore. They dig their eggs at half-meter pit in the sand. They lay several hundred eggs in one night they lay, then they return to the sea. A few weeks later, turtles are derived from all the pits, but then they become prey for predators. In essence, of the 500 eggs only two dozen grown adults turtles, which reach a length of 1 to 1.3 meters and weighs about 300 kg. The sea turtles are protected by the state and even they are shown in the honor of the coat of arms of Seychelles under the coconut tree in company with the swordfish, which represent the marine fauna and the chaise of birds, personifying heaven.


Easily recognizable by its white plumage with a few black strips on the top of the wings, yellow beak in a powerful and long forked tail, the frigate lives on the earth itself, under some bush or rock. Cracks in the rocks provide shelter to the frigates, wingspan which sometimes reaches 2 m, and a long tail makes it easy to find them off.


Graceful Tern - another bird, which is the emblem of the archipelago, and the airline "Air Seychelles" is used for its brand. This romantic "love bird" feeds mainly with fish and lives on the edge of the beach, where it can be easily photographed. You can also see the white and dark Dutch, pigeons, doves, burning red cardinal, kingfisher, ibis on the islands. There are rare species of birds on the archipelago: the black parrot in the valley of the island of Mahe, the current singing magpie, a banana bird. But surely the most elegant is the widow of the Seychelles (in English the "black paradise flycatcher"), and only the male is black with a long forked tail, as if he is dressed in a frock coat. But not many cameramen can capture to film the bird.


The fans of snakes are greatly disappointed in Seychelles , because snakes live here only. In general, almost no species that are dangerous to humans, but scorpions and centipedes, formidable, but not deadly. Finally, speaking about the Seychelles fauna, it ’s a pity not to mention the largest of all bats, ”the flying fox” who feeds mainly with fruits. Famous because they willingly on the islands help themselves during the holidays. They are served under mango trees with spicy sauces, seasoning with papaya - an exotic delight. And how rich the flora on the islands is, a bunch of made-up names: talipot, centipede grass, razor, Mangla, orchid "dove," the bishop peas, government apple, vine, "a pot of water", a Chinese club, square cap.


Regarding the types of trees, thick-skinned here you can find many trees: Kind, wooden spoon and a tree-snake, tree candle, tree-ant, banana trees, lemon, sailor, iron, milk, plum, apple , soft and hard wood, and it's only a few of the large number of species. To enjoy the flowers in all their splendor and charm, walk under the scorching sun for urban gardens and backyards of homes. Curly frangipani and hibiscus with the sultan of a variety of colors. A coconut orchid and an orchid dove can be found in their natural environment. The most prominent is undoubtedly the sandragon, reaching a height of 25 m and having a trunk of 1.5 m in diameter. Another wealth of the archipelago are the fruit trees, entirely different: not less than 15 main varieties of banana trees only. The same can be said about the mango tree. Papaya, lemon, orange trees, grain are widely cultivated and their fruits are used in the kitchen.


The Seychelles boast an abundance of different spices: cinnamon, cloves, pepper tree, cocoa, coffee tree, orchid, called vanilla and tea bushes. The coconut palm trees occupy not less than 40% of the Seychelles! One of the most interesting instance is the sea coconut, which grows only on the Seychelles ground. This is a national treasure honored with all the honors. Coconut crowns on the island of Praslin Independence Monument, just as the sea coconut tree has found its place on the national coat of arms.

The adventurer Henri de Monfreyd, who had seen other palms, did not hide his surprise: "This walnut-sized big round pumpkin, it is double, and the two hemispheres resemble a pair of buttocks, between which nature was thoroughly pleased to reproduce some of the anatomical details, thought-provoking. " The coconut is nationalized, and the Republic of Seychelles controls its trade very strictly in these creatures, which nature produces very little - about 3,000 copies a year.


Seychelles Climate


The territory of the Seychelles is located close to the equator, but the climate is more tropical than equatorial. The ocean serves as a regulatory function. Due to the winds, the Seychelles are not known for excruciating the heat of the continental areas located in the same area. Due to the monsoons, the climate is characterized by four periods. From June to October south-east winds are blowing and rain falls are less at this time. And in this drought period, the average temperature reaches 25 degrees.

The wet season begins to be changeable from December to April. It is necessary to heat, clearly relishes the nature of the cycles of sun-rain-evaporation-rain. The air temperature rises to 30 degrees, the humidity increases. The best months to stay on the islands are from May till October. In these months, there is a moderate heat 25 to 32 degrees during the day, about 24 degrees at night. Maximum rainfall is usually from mid December to mid January.

However, observations show that the seasons are now less pronounced than before. The dawn comes fast and the night falls quickly on the islands. It is necessary to consider the fascinating walks.


The population of the Seychelles


Creoles are the result of mixing of different bloods surprising to people. Seychelles nation was formed by interlacing and ethnic combinations. There are mestizos of European, Chinese, Indian, and Chinese and Malabar Creoles, but they all share a Creole language, the Catholic religion and a strong sense of national identity.


Holidays and Culture of Seychelles


National holidays January 1 and 2 - New Year

May 1 - Labour Day

June 5 - Liberation Day

18 June - National Reconciliation Day ,

29 June - Independence Day

Religious holidays and Easter is the first Sunday after the vernal equinox and full moon;

June 10 - Corpus Christi festival ;

August 15 - Assumption November;

1 - All Saints Day

December ;8 - Immaculate Conception;

December 25 - Christmas




Seychelles literature experienced considerable growth for several centuries. In 1890, the teacher Rodolfina Jung translated La Fontaine's fables forty-nine into Creole, making it "the first writer of Seychelles'. The creole language became gradually important in literature.

Classic works such as "Taming of the Shrew" by Shakespeare, Moliere's comedy, were translated in Creole. But there are few intellectuals in the community of Seychelles , and most of the published stories, novels and poems attracted few. An association of the Society of Writers of the Indian Ocean was established in Seychelles. Among its members was Akkush Samuel, one of the first writers of the country. He published "T Anan Al Soungoula," the main character is the hero of legends and fairy tales of Seychelles, which tells the children. One of the most talented writers also were Guy Lyons, Leu Mancienne, Patrick Mato, Marie-Cecile Meador, Zhyun Vel, Daniel Allie, Elva Pool, Bernard Valentin, and in particular Antoine Abel, the award in 1979, the Mascarene Prize. Country music fusion! From Europe to Africa mutii country dance, which was once under the coconut trees dancing in the firelight.

Music masters coexists with the music of slaves, delighting people who have a sense of rhythm. Dance "pit Sega" shameless dance reflects the primitive creatures. It is easily recognized by the distinctive muffled drum rhythm musical instrument - a large box of laptop goat skin, which is heated over the fire for better sound. To this is added the iron triangle tinkle, guitars and the sound of the rhythm of the samba by shaking the seeds with coconut inside. It's hard to resist on the spot when you hear this lively rhythmic dance. Seychelles are so beautiful that it would be strange if films hadn’t been made. The star of the film is the natural scenery, the nature of the islands.

Whether it is the sea bottom or the pristine beaches, it has everything you need for Tarzan, and Robinson, and Emmanuel. John Gierek and his "Tarzan" and Roman Polanski with "Pirates," Caleb Deshannel from "Robinson Crusoe" and many other filmmakers found the suitable nature on these islands. Filming of "Goodbye Emmanuelle" took place on the island of La Digue, followed by a luxury home Emmanuel became the second residence of President Rene.

Seychelles are themselves a picture that could neither be noted by many artists as travelers and locals. It is not surprising that with such a wealth of natural beauty, almost all artists prefer figurative painting. Among the artists who took a strong position, it should be noted by Michael Adams, who remains a meter Seychelles painting. His works are full of game of colors and forms, show the Seychelles in all his glory, and sometimes written in a phantasmagoric way.

A visit to his studio-gallery is a real feast for the eyes. Many other artists working in different styles, made a name for these islands, for example such as Donald Adelaide, Pakerett Lablash, Kani and others. But it is regrettable that the two art galleries in Victoria offer a view just some of the huge variety of Seychelles painting.


Kitchen Seychelles


Seychellois cuisine is unique, reflecting the diversity of the population and its origin. It is also called "the food without borders", as it evolved from the traditions of African, Indian and French cuisine. The common food is the chicken soup, the puree of red lentils, fish, octopus stew, made from bat, steamed breadfruit, Shatin of shark meat, coconut nougat, banana stewed, boiled cassava, sugar-coated bilimbi, banana cat-cat.

The Creole kitchen is very exotic as its nature. And yet, we note that the main product in the Seychelles is rice. In each family, Seychelles meal always begins with fed rice, steamed in a "rice cookers". After the hostess puts rice on the table, a snack of fresh vegetables to hot - grilled fish or curry chicken or octopus in vegetables, not forgetting the obligatory final component: a sauce of peppers, chopped in small amount of vegetable oil, lemon juice, with salt and pepper are served. The meal is usually rounded out with raw or cooked fruit, such as banana cakes.

But the Creole cuisine can be outputting not only with locals, tourists can taste it too, at the local restaurants and hotels or weekly organized Creole tables. The daily menu in the territorial waters varies at least with 830 species of fish. Each fish has its own recipe to prepare. The tropical paradise year-round is abundant with different fruits, which are an important component of the diet. There are about 15 varieties of bananas, almost as mango, papaya, carambola, pineapple, melons, citrus fruits, etc. Spices and flavoring additives, some of them produced in the country (vanilla, cinnamon) are widely used in the local cooking..

Others The most romantic places on the Earth .

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The Seychelles Islands- tropical romantic destination   - Magical scenery
The Seychelles Islands- tropical romantic destination - Magical scenery

The Seychelles Islands- tropical romantic destination   - Romantic place
The Seychelles Islands- tropical romantic destination - Romantic place

The Seychelles Islands- tropical romantic destination   - Real paradise
The Seychelles Islands- tropical romantic destination - Real paradise

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The Seychelles Islands- tropical romantic destination - Seychelles-tropical, romantic, perfect destination

The Seychelles Islands- tropical romantic destination   - Seychelles map
The Seychelles Islands- tropical romantic destination - Seychelles map