
Destinations / The best Easter Holiday destinations / Majorca Island, Spain


Majorca Island, Spain


    Majorca Island is placed in the Mediterranean Sea and is the largest islands from The Balearic Islands, subordinated to Spain. Perfectly situated at the Mediterranean Sea coasts, Majorca is considered a great holiday destination. The most crowded period in Majorca Island is the summer time, when the majority of tourists came from Spain, Germany, Ireland and United Kingdom. The Majorca Island is also known as The Mallorca Island. Majorca is a Catholic Island and one of the most important holidays during the year is considered the Easter holiday. The period of holidays and celebrations starts with a week before the Easter Sunday, at The Palm Week. This celebration symbolizes the entrance of Jesus in Jerusalem. This religious event is treated with respect and this day the people are decorating their houses with olive and palm branches, in order to avoid the negative energy. All the Majorcan villages are following the traditional customs at the Holy Thursday, when are held the procession rituals, which symbolize the Jesus sufferings. The procession acts are held in all parts of Mallorca Island, in dependence of the distinctive customs and habits characterized for each region in part. 

  During to your trip in Mallorca Island, you have to keep in mind that there are a lot of distinctive traditions and cultural elements that maybe are different from your religious and cultural understandings. It will be better if you will start your journey in Majorca a week before the Easter Sunday, in order to explore and to discover the most beautiful and interesting religious services, ceremonies and habits which are practiced by the local people. You should definitely assist to one of the most incredible and exciting Easter ceremonies held in Majorca. Some of the most impressive are held in Pollenca, The Oratori del Calvari performance, in Palma, in Arta and in Felantx. The Easter Sunday starts with The Procession of the Reunion mass. The people in Majorca have a really distinctive manner to spend the Easter holiday. A week after Easter, is celebrating The Angel Sunday. The people are spending the day outside, with their families and friends, while visiting the holy sanctuaries and religious, cultural sites. If you intend to know more about the Easter traditions in Mallorca, you can participate at a procession mass in Palma de Mallorca, which are taken place on Thursday and Friday before the Easter holiday. There also can be watched some acting performances, which present the descent of Jesus from the cross. It is a really impressive and emotional scene, where you will discover new understandings about the religious history and its significance. 
  The Easter Sunday morning mass is held by the Bishop, where are sanctified the bread, oil and wine. During the Easter holiday and a week before that, many shops and local institutions are closed. This fact shows the way how the people are preparing for Easter holiday in Mallorca, and are following all the traditional customs and local habits. The Easter holidays cuisine is really various in Majorca. Each village has some special dishes and food, which are prepared typically for the Easter holiday. The Mona de Pascua represents chocolate sweets prepared according to a special recipe, which are made in different figures and sculptures. It can be chocolate rabbits, eggs, carrots and other creative models of the real or fairy life. Some restaurants and confectionaries are cooking huge chocolate sculptures, which can represent local symbols, religious elements and other impressive figures, which are really delicious. Some of the most appreciated and required dishes are the cocarrois, the crespells and the panades. These can be found in many stores, but the most exciting is to prepare these delicacies at home, with all the family and relatives. The panades is cooked of lamb meat, cob and peas in a pie form. The crespells are Easter biscuits shaped in different funny figures. The Majorcan cuisine is delicious and it’s really different from all the European cuisines.
  During your trip in Majorca at the Easter holiday, you can also visit The Jardins d’Alfabia. This attractive tourist venue is considered a historical and artistic monument, which ensemble the Italian, English and Arab styles. The Colobra Beach, The Drac Lake Martel Caves, The Albufera Natural Park and The Mont Drago Park in Mallorca represent the major tourist attractions, which you should definitely visit during the your stay in Mallorca. Majorca Island is one of the most suitable destinations for Easter holiday, in order to spend a relaxing and charming holiday. 

Others The best Easter Holiday destinations .

One of the most important and beautiful international holidays, celebrated by the majority of nations is the Easter holiday.
This is a perfect ocasion for traveling and discovering some great spiritual and cultural destinations.
Easter holiday is also a suitable period for visiting some really impresive sites, in order to explore the natural beauty and charm of the most appreciated and spectacular places in the world.
You just have to select the most attractive destination in order to know experience one of the most exciting and fabulous Easter holidays ever.

Images of Majorca Island, Spain, icons, photos, figures, visions, appearances, illustrations, snapshots, captures, canvas and pictures of Majorca Island, Spain - The best Easter Holiday destinations

Majorca Island, Spain - Palma de Majorca, the capital
Majorca Island, Spain - Palma de Majorca, the capital

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Majorca Island, Spain - Incredible recreation places

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Majorca Island, Spain - Great spots

Majorca Island, Spain - Adventurous attractions
Majorca Island, Spain - Adventurous attractions

Majorca Island, Spain - Spectacular landscapes
Majorca Island, Spain - Spectacular landscapes

Majorca Island, Spain - Perfect holiday venue
Majorca Island, Spain - Perfect holiday venue

Majorca Island, Spain - Relaxing beaches
Majorca Island, Spain - Relaxing beaches

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Majorca Island, Spain - Wonderful panorama

Majorca Island, Spain - The Majorcan Cathedral
Majorca Island, Spain - The Majorcan Cathedral