
Destinations / The most beautiful places in Brazil / Iguassu Fall


Iguassu Fall


   Iguassu Fall is located in Brazil, in the river with the same name where Brazil boarders with Argentine. The fall consists of 275 falls on over 2.7 km. The highest part of this fall reaches 82 metres and is the most spectacular part. The wider fall and the most dramatic one is named “Devil’s Throat” which reaches 82 metres high, 150 metres wide, and 700 metres length. The name of this impressive fall comes from the “Guarani Indian” that means “Great Water”.

  This  incredible wonder has been enchated by forests with palm trees, bamboo trees, orchids and begonias that make this place more captivant. The birds that colour the atmosphere with their appearance are the parrots, the macaws and toucans. The tourist can admire the fall from Argentine too, there you can go over and under the falls through the  catwalks and trails, that make the trip easier.
  The fall appears in a large view where the river Iguassu flows to the west and then to the north, running on the Parana Plateau before continuing its watercourse to the canion. The water falling down creats a spectacular view. The refraction  of the light in the water is creating  an amazing image by rainbows. 
  On the Argentine side can be seen the individual waterfalls like: Dos Hermanas, Bozzetti, San Martin, Escondido. On the Brazilian side the tourists  can delight their eyes with the magnificent view of the falls: Benjamin Constant, Deodora and Floriano. These are most popular and the most attractive. On the both sides of the fall  were created national parks: National Park Iguassu in Argentina founded in 1934 and the 2nd one National Park Iguassu in Brazil founded in 1939, that were created for protecting the plants and the animals that keep the natural beauty of the falls.
  This fall is going  to take a place in the collection of the Seven Wonder of the World, for its beauty and unique views that offers. Its incrediblefor its nature that is surrounded by and for its rainbows that attract millions of tourists annually. If you are in Brazil do not miss the opportunity to visit this miracle of the nature, because will leave on you only nice memories. 

Others The most beautiful places in Brazil .

If you plan a visit to Brazil you should definetly see its best places because they will leave an unforgettable impression on you.
Brazil will amaze you through its unrepeatable places and with their natural beauty.
It is the perfect country in the world where you can combine the entertainment with nature’s exploration, where people are very simple and very friendly.
So take with you a lot of energy and go to admire the best places of Brazil.

Images of Iguassu Fall, icons, photos, figures, visions, appearances, illustrations, snapshots, captures, canvas and pictures of Iguassu Fall - The most beautiful places in Brazil

Iguassu Fall - Overview
Iguassu Fall - Overview

Iguassu Fall - Exclusive fauna
Iguassu Fall - Exclusive fauna

Iguassu Fall - The rainbow view
Iguassu Fall - The rainbow view