
Destinations / The best countries in Africa / Burundi




Total area: 27,834 km2
Population: 8,988,091 (July 2009 estimate)
Density: 323.0/km2
Currency: Burundi franc (FBu)
Official language(s): Kirundi, French
Capital: Bujumbura
Government: Republic
Internet TLD: .bi
Calling code: 257


  Burundi is a country situated in east-central Africa and shares borders with Congo to the west, Tanzania to the east and south, and Rwanda to the north. 


  Burundi is a very beautiful country, being also called the "Switzerland of Africa". However, tourism is not very developed because the country is not very stable in terms of state policy. This is the reason why conflicts can erupt at any time and can have serious consequences. It is ranked among the last countries concerning tourism competitiveness.


  The attractions that draw the most tourists in Burundi are: Rusizi National Park, Ruvubu National Park, Kibira National Park. Other national parks that are worth visiting are: Bururi Natural Reserve, Rwihinda Lake Natural Reserve. You can also visit Rutana to see the gorgeous Karea Falls and enjoy the generous sun on the beaches at Lake Tanganyika. 


  The highest temperatures of the year are recorded from February to April. The rainy season lasts from mid March to July and from September to October. From November to February it is the perfect timing to pay a visit to Burundi.


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Burundi - Bujumbura
Burundi - Bujumbura

Burundi - Currency
Burundi - Currency

Burundi - Flag of Burundi
Burundi - Flag of Burundi

Burundi - Map of Burundi
Burundi - Map of Burundi