
Destinations / The best countries of Europe / Belgium




Total area: 30,528 km2
Population: 10,827,519(2010 estimate)
Density: 354.7/km2
Currency: Euro (€)
Official languages: Dutch, French, German
Capital: Brussels
Governement: Federal parliamentary democracy and Constitutional monarchy
Internet TLD: .be
Calling code: +32

  Belgium is a country located in Western Europe. It is one of the founding members of the European Union and hosts most of its institutions and other major international institutions, including NATO. Belgium occupies a territory of 30,528 km ² and has a population of more than 10.5 million inhabitants. Belgium is bordered by Netherlands, Germany, Luxembourg, France and the North Sea. Belgium is situated on the border that divides Germanic Europe from Latin Europe and the two main regions of the country mark this. Flandra, located in the northern half of the country, has 58% of the population, while the French-speaking Wallonia region, located in the south, has 32% of the population. 
  The capital of Belgium, Brussels, officially bilingual, is an enclave with a francophone majority located in the Flemish region, but close to the border with the Walloon region and has 10% of the population. A small German-speaking community exists in eastern Wallonia. The linguistic diversity and its associated political and cultural conflicts are reflected in the political history and complex system of government. 
  The name 'Belgium' is derived from the Roman province of Gallia Belgica, located in the far north of Gaul, inhabited initially by Belgium, a mixture of Celtic and Germanic people. They are mentioned by Julius Caesar in his Commentaries about Bello Gallico, calling them the most powerful among gauls: "Horum omnium fortissimi are Belgæ".
  Tourism here has developed greatly as a result of the country’s high accessibility. In 2005, Belgium had 6.7 million tourists visiting the country. If you are here, make sure to visit the North Sea coast with Ostend and Knokke-Heist resorts and Spa resort (renown even during the Roman period). You can also admire Bokrijk –the largest outdoor museum in Europe. In Belgium the weather changes rapidly, therefore, to visit this country, the best time is from May to September. The disadvantage is the crowds, especially in Bruges. Instead, Brussels is more peaceful in this period, while some hotels have price reductions.

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Belgium - Brussels view
Belgium - Brussels view

Belgium - Currency
Belgium - Currency

Belgium - Belgium flag
Belgium - Belgium flag

Belgium - Belgium map
Belgium - Belgium map