
Hotels / Best hotels in Italy / Riglarhaus hotel


Riglarhaus hotel

   Riglarhaus is an italian hotel location Lateis
Name Riglarhaus
Location Sauris
Phone 043386013
Fax 043386049
Distance from main province 7
All year opened X
Closed for holiday periodo in gennaio
Stagional opening
Number of rooms 14
Number of rooms with bathroom 14
air conditioning in room
Tv in room X
Radio in room
Phone in Room X
Frigo in Room
Satellite tv in Room
Fax in Room
Modem plug in Room
air conditioning
Wish service in room
Animal accepted: X
Animal not accepted:
Sauna available:
Price Single Room min:
Price Double Room min:
Credit Card: American Express, Diner's Club, Visa, Mastercard

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