
Clinic / The best clinics in Switzerland / St. Anna Clinic in Lucerne


St. Anna Clinic in Lucerne


    In the hospital of St. Anne all have the same goal: We want you during your inpatient or outpatient hospital stay feel comfortable as possible. 

    To do justice to this claim, we set the highest standards of quality, safety and comfort, what medical services, personal care and infrastructure concerns. We want to needs, wishes and concerns and identify your will do our utmost to help you in the hospital of St. Anna as pleasant as possible to make a stay. 

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Best clinics in Switzerland

Images of St. Anna Clinic in Lucerne, icons, photos, figures, visions, appearances, illustrations, snapshots, captures, canvas and pictures of St. Anna Clinic in Lucerne - The best clinics in Switzerland

St. Anna Clinic in Lucerne - Great service
St. Anna Clinic in Lucerne - Great service

St. Anna Clinic in Lucerne - External view
St. Anna Clinic in Lucerne - External view