
Club / The best clubs in Bucharest, Romania / Velvet Underground


Velvet Underground


   When you enter the Velvet Underground, a concept inspired by pop art bar, you feel like in a movie from the '50s, because the owner is a fan of Andy Warhol. Music today is of all kinds, from electro to hip hop / funk, to oldies and goldies but again electro / techno. Parties organized small group make the lounge bar with one club claims. Address: Stefan Mihaileanu street; Telephone: 004 0727.08.96.09

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Best clubs in Bucharest, Romania

Images of Velvet Underground , icons, photos, figures, visions, appearances, illustrations, snapshots, captures, canvas and pictures of Velvet Underground - The best clubs in Bucharest, Romania

Velvet Underground  - Great menu and prices
Velvet Underground - Great menu and prices

Velvet Underground  - Exquisite design
Velvet Underground - Exquisite design

Velvet Underground  - Unique design
Velvet Underground - Unique design

Velvet Underground  - Relaxation and cosiness
Velvet Underground - Relaxation and cosiness

Velvet Underground  - Interior view
Velvet Underground - Interior view