
Destinations / The most dangerous destinations in the world / Lebanon




  Divided into pro and anti-Syrian forces, Lebanon is struggling to resolve political tensions. The assassination of important military leaders and battles with Israel in southern Lebanon made it cumbersome and difficult. Fighting with Israel ended last year, but tension remains high in Lebanon. Grouping the Hezbollah army is still present in some areas and other dangerous and extremist groups are active in Tripoli Sidoon and refugee camps. In the southern area you come across unexploded terebnuri still mined.

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Images of Lebanon, icons, photos, figures, visions, appearances, illustrations, snapshots, captures, canvas and pictures of Lebanon - The most dangerous destinations in the world

Lebanon - Police unit in Lebanon
Lebanon - Police unit in Lebanon

Lebanon - Lebanon violence
Lebanon - Lebanon violence

Lebanon - Lebanon flag
Lebanon - Lebanon flag

Lebanon - Lebanon scenery
Lebanon - Lebanon scenery