
Destinations / Best countries to eat / Morocco




  Located on the northwest coast of Africa, Morocco is one of the three countries that form the Maghreb (Far West), the other two being Algeria and Tunisia. Atlantic Ocean is west, the Mediterranean, north and south Sahara terrible. A series of mountain ridges serpuiesc through its center, from the Rif Mountains in the north, and continuing with the Atlas mountains which almost split the country in half, vertically. Mutoase regions are populated by Berbers who represent 80% of the Moroccan population. Berbers are not Arabs, but they are Islamist. 

  Phoenicians were first to set up a number of commercial ports along the Moroccan coast in about 3,000 years ago. The Romans ruled over a period such territories, and Arab conquests in the century. VII, made Islam the peoples of Morocco. Finally, the Arabs have left, but remained Islamic traditions. The city of Fez, the country's first royal capital, was founded in 799 and quickly became the cultural center, the country economically and politically. A succession of tribal dynasties led Morocco, culminating Alauitii, Arab sultans who came to power in 1668 and a still holds today. Europeans fought for control of Morocco, the French managed to hold a dominant position. Treaty of Fez, Morocco declared 1912 as the French and Spanish protectorate. Morocco gained its independence only in 1956, Sultan declaring himself king under the name Mohamed V century. Son, Hasan II, became king in 1961. 
Today, this rich country, with nearly 25 million inhabitants is heavily involved in agriculture, tourism and mining. Influences of Spanish, Arab, Jewish and French background mixed with Berber, Moroccan culture give originality. The kitchen is one of the important cultural coordinated this country. 
 Moroccan cuisine is considered, rightly, one of the best in the world. There are few places where food is prepared with so much care and so artistically presented, so delicate and so tasty served.

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Morocco - Morocco cuisine
Morocco - Morocco cuisine

Morocco - Tajine dish
Morocco - Tajine dish