
Destinations / Best countries to eat / Thailand




  Thais are great eaters, food is for them an essential part of good life. During the afternoon, Thais greet with "Gin Kao", meaning "dine with us." Thai people, culture and civilization is intrinsically linked to its cuisine, perfectly illustrating the proverb: "a people's culture can be glimpsed through the window of his kitchen.

Like Thais themselves, Thai cuisine wins it, almost unnoticed, all those who visit hospitable kingdom of Southeast Asia.
  Thai people migrated from valley settlements established in the mountains of southwest China to Thailand today between VI and XIII centuries. Heavily influenced by Chinese cooking techniques, Thai cuisine flourished due to abundant and diverse resources offered by the Thai peninsula. Early leaders of Thailand appreciated the value of neighboring crops and brought scholars and artisans from China and India to educate the Thai people. Placing it at the intersection of access roads of India, China, Indonesia and the rest of Southeast Asia has contributed to Thai culinary styles, so eclectic.
  Thai cuisine uses mainly fish, sea food, chicken, pork, beef, noodles and rice with a variety of spices, herbs, roots, leaves and flowers to create exceptional flavors. A Thai meal includes a mixture of flavors and tastes: hot, salty, bitter, sweet and sour. The traditional way in ending such a mass is a cold dessert or fruit.

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Thailand - Thailand cuisine
Thailand - Thailand cuisine

Thailand - Thai Food
Thailand - Thai Food