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- Image Created: Fri, Jan 14th 2011, 09:24
- Image Title: Uffizi Gallery- Exterior view
- Image Exterior view views: 1536 times
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- Picture Tags: Uffizi Gallery, art galleries, best art galleries, best art galleries in the world, museums, art museums, best art museums, exhibitions, art, masterpiece, culture, knowledge, drawings, famous paintings

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- Image Created: Fri, Jan 14th 2011, 09:25
- Image Title: Uffizi Gallery- Florence view
- Image Florence view views: 1589 times
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- Picture Tags: Uffizi Gallery, art galleries, best art galleries, best art galleries in the world, museums, art museums, best art museums, exhibitions, art, masterpiece, culture, knowledge, drawings, famous paintings

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- Image Created: Fri, Jan 14th 2011, 09:26
- Image Title: Uffizi Gallery- Birth of Venus by Botticelli
- Image Birth of Venus by Botticelli views: 2928 times
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- Picture Tags: Uffizi Gallery, art galleries, best art galleries, best art galleries in the world, museums, art museums, best art museums, exhibitions, art, masterpiece, culture, knowledge, drawings, famous paintings

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- Image Created: Fri, Jan 14th 2011, 09:26
- Image Title: Uffizi Gallery- Gypsy Girl by Boccaccio
- Image Gypsy Girl by Boccaccio views: 1044 times
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- Picture Tags: Uffizi Gallery, art galleries, best art galleries, best art galleries in the world, museums, art museums, best art museums, exhibitions, art, masterpiece, culture, knowledge, drawings, famous paintings

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- Image Created: Fri, Jan 14th 2011, 09:27
- Image Title: Uffizi Gallery- Courtyard of Uffizi Gallery
- Image Courtyard of Uffizi Gallery views: 1123 times
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- Picture Tags: Uffizi Gallery, art galleries, best art galleries, best art galleries in the world, museums, art museums, best art museums, exhibitions, art, masterpiece, culture, knowledge, drawings, famous paintings

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- Image Created: Fri, Jan 14th 2011, 09:27
- Image Title: Uffizi Gallery- Madonna with Child and Two Angels by Fra Filippo Lippi
- Image Madonna with Child and Two Angels by Fra Filippo Lippi views: 4864 times
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- Picture Tags: Uffizi Gallery, art galleries, best art galleries, best art galleries in the world, museums, art museums, best art museums, exhibitions, art, masterpiece, culture, knowledge, drawings, famous paintings

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- Image Created: Fri, Jan 14th 2011, 09:28
- Image Title: Uffizi Gallery- Maestà by Cimabue
- Image Maestà by Cimabue views: 1269 times
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- Picture Tags: Uffizi Gallery, art galleries, best art galleries, best art galleries in the world, museums, art museums, best art museums, exhibitions, art, masterpiece, culture, knowledge, drawings, famous paintings

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- Image Created: Fri, Jan 14th 2011, 09:28
- Image Title: Uffizi Gallery- Pallas and the Centaur by Botticelli
- Image Pallas and the Centaur by Botticelli views: 2208 times
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- Picture Tags: Uffizi Gallery, art galleries, best art galleries, best art galleries in the world, museums, art museums, best art museums, exhibitions, art, masterpiece, culture, knowledge, drawings, famous paintings

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- Image Created: Fri, Jan 14th 2011, 09:28
- Image Title: Uffizi Gallery- Primavera by Botticelli
- Image Primavera by Botticelli views: 2203 times
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- Picture Tags: Uffizi Gallery, art galleries, best art galleries, best art galleries in the world, museums, art museums, best art museums, exhibitions, art, masterpiece, culture, knowledge, drawings, famous paintings

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- Image Created: Fri, Jan 14th 2011, 09:29
- Image Title: Uffizi Gallery- The Adoration of the Magi by Leonardo da Vinci
- Image The Adoration of the Magi by Leonardo da Vinci views: 1735 times
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- Picture Tags: Uffizi Gallery, art galleries, best art galleries, best art galleries in the world, museums, art museums, best art museums, exhibitions, art, masterpiece, culture, knowledge, drawings, famous paintings

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- Image Created: Fri, Jan 14th 2011, 09:30
- Image Title: Uffizi Gallery- The Annunciation by Leonardo da Vinci
- Image The Annunciation by Leonardo da Vinci views: 1950 times
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- Picture Tags: Uffizi Gallery, art galleries, best art galleries, best art galleries in the world, museums, art museums, best art museums, exhibitions, art, masterpiece, culture, knowledge, drawings, famous paintings

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- Image Created: Fri, Jan 14th 2011, 09:30
- Image Title: Uffizi Gallery- The Baptism of Christ by Andrea del Verrocchio
- Image The Baptism of Christ by Andrea del Verrocchio views: 2045 times
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- Picture Tags: Uffizi Gallery, art galleries, best art galleries, best art galleries in the world, museums, art museums, best art museums, exhibitions, art, masterpiece, culture, knowledge, drawings, famous paintings

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- Image Created: Fri, Jan 14th 2011, 09:31
- Image Title: Uffizi Gallery- The Doni Tondo by Michelangelo
- Image The Doni Tondo by Michelangelo views: 2107 times
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- Picture Tags: Uffizi Gallery, art galleries, best art galleries, best art galleries in the world, museums, art museums, best art museums, exhibitions, art, masterpiece, culture, knowledge, drawings, famous paintings

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- Image Created: Fri, Jan 14th 2011, 09:31
- Image Title: Uffizi Gallery- Uffizi art gallery
- Image Uffizi art gallery views: 1050 times
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- Picture Tags: Uffizi Gallery, art galleries, best art galleries, best art galleries in the world, museums, art museums, best art museums, exhibitions, art, masterpiece, culture, knowledge, drawings, famous paintings

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- Image Created: Fri, Jan 14th 2011, 09:32
- Image Title: Uffizi Gallery- Exterior view
- Image Exterior view views: 1098 times
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- Picture Tags: Uffizi Gallery, art galleries, best art galleries, best art galleries in the world, museums, art museums, best art museums, exhibitions, art, masterpiece, culture, knowledge, drawings, famous paintings

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- Image Created: Fri, Jan 14th 2011, 09:32
- Image Title: Uffizi Gallery- Night view
- Image Night view views: 826 times
- Picture Country:
- Picture Tags: Uffizi Gallery, art galleries, best art galleries, best art galleries in the world, museums, art museums, best art museums, exhibitions, art, masterpiece, culture, knowledge, drawings, famous paintings

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- Image Created: Fri, Jan 14th 2011, 09:32
- Image Title: Uffizi Gallery- Aerial view
- Image Aerial view views: 1229 times
- Picture Country:
- Picture Tags: Uffizi Gallery, art galleries, best art galleries, best art galleries in the world, museums, art museums, best art museums, exhibitions, art, masterpiece, culture, knowledge, drawings, famous paintings

- Image Url:
- Image Created: Fri, Jan 14th 2011, 09:33
- Image Title: Uffizi Gallery- Uffizi art gallery
- Image Uffizi art gallery views: 2438 times
- Picture Country:
- Picture Tags: Uffizi Gallery, art galleries, best art galleries, best art galleries in the world, museums, art museums, best art museums, exhibitions, art, masterpiece, culture, knowledge, drawings, famous paintings