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- Image Created: Thu, Sep 23rd 2010, 10:05
- Image Title: Dinner in the Sky- Having dinner in the sky
- Image Having dinner in the sky views: 906 times
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- Picture Tags: Most unusual restaurants in the world, unique restaurants, unusual restaurants, creative restaurants, unusual places to eat, unusual places to dine, unusual dining experience, food, eat, Dinner in the Sky
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- Image Created: Thu, Sep 23rd 2010, 10:06
- Image Title: Dinner in the Sky- Bruxelles Dinner in the Sky
- Image Bruxelles Dinner in the Sky views: 1807 times
- Picture Country:
- Picture Tags: Most unusual restaurants in the world, unique restaurants, unusual restaurants, creative restaurants, unusual places to eat, unusual places to dine, unusual dining experience, food, eat, Dinner in the Sky
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- Image Created: Thu, Sep 23rd 2010, 10:06
- Image Title: Dinner in the Sky- Dinner in the Sky panorama
- Image Dinner in the Sky panorama views: 1194 times
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- Picture Tags: Most unusual restaurants in the world, unique restaurants, unusual restaurants, creative restaurants, unusual places to eat, unusual places to dine, unusual dining experience, food, eat, Dinner in the Sky
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- Image Created: Thu, Sep 23rd 2010, 11:01
- Image Title: Modern Toilet Restaurant in Taipei, Taiwan- Meal at Toilet Restaurant
- Image Meal at Toilet Restaurant views: 876 times
- Picture Country:
- Picture Tags: Most unusual restaurants in the world, unique restaurants, unusual restaurants, creative restaurants, unusual places to eat, unusual places to dine, unusual dining experience, food, eat, Modern Toilet Restaurant, Taipei, Taiwan
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- Image Created: Thu, Sep 23rd 2010, 11:02
- Image Title: Modern Toilet Restaurant in Taipei, Taiwan- Having lunch at Toilet Restaurant
- Image Having lunch at Toilet Restaurant views: 940 times
- Picture Country:
- Picture Tags: Most unusual restaurants in the world, unique restaurants, unusual restaurants, creative restaurants, unusual places to eat, unusual places to dine, unusual dining experience, food, eat, Modern Toilet Restaurant, Taipei, Taiwan
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- Image Created: Thu, Sep 23rd 2010, 11:04
- Image Title: Modern Toilet Restaurant in Taipei, Taiwan- Serving dinner at Toilet Restaurant
- Image Serving dinner at Toilet Restaurant views: 707 times
- Picture Country:
- Picture Tags: Most unusual restaurants in the world, unique restaurants, unusual restaurants, creative restaurants, unusual places to eat, unusual places to dine, unusual dining experience, food, eat, Modern Toilet Restaurant, Taipei, Taiwan
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- Image Created: Thu, Sep 23rd 2010, 11:04
- Image Title: Modern Toilet Restaurant in Taipei, Taiwan- Restaurant view
- Image Restaurant view views: 947 times
- Picture Country:
- Picture Tags: Most unusual restaurants in the world, unique restaurants, unusual restaurants, creative restaurants, unusual places to eat, unusual places to dine, unusual dining experience, food, eat, Modern Toilet Restaurant, Taipei, Taiwan
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- Image Created: Thu, Sep 23rd 2010, 11:31
- Image Title: Hospital Restaurant in Latvia- "Table-ware" at Hospital Restaurant
- Image "Table-ware" at Hospital Restaurant views: 987 times
- Picture Country:
- Picture Tags: Most unusual restaurants in the world, unique restaurants, unusual restaurants, creative restaurants, unusual places to eat, unusual places to dine, unusual dining experience, food, eat, Hospital Restaurant, Latvia
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- Image Created: Thu, Sep 23rd 2010, 11:32
- Image Title: Hospital Restaurant in Latvia- Waitresses at Hospital Restaurant
- Image Waitresses at Hospital Restaurant views: 813 times
- Picture Country:
- Picture Tags: Most unusual restaurants in the world, unique restaurants, unusual restaurants, creative restaurants, unusual places to eat, unusual places to dine, unusual dining experience, food, eat, Hospital Restaurant, Latvia
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- Image Created: Thu, Sep 23rd 2010, 11:33
- Image Title: Hospital Restaurant in Latvia- Indoor view of Hospital Restaurant
- Image Indoor view of Hospital Restaurant views: 717 times
- Picture Country:
- Picture Tags: Most unusual restaurants in the world, unique restaurants, unusual restaurants, creative restaurants, unusual places to eat, unusual places to dine, unusual dining experience, food, eat, Hospital Restaurant, Latvia
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- Image Created: Thu, Sep 23rd 2010, 11:35
- Image Title: Hospital Restaurant in Latvia- Dining space at Hospital Restaurant
- Image Dining space at Hospital Restaurant views: 768 times
- Picture Country:
- Picture Tags: Most unusual restaurants in the world, unique restaurants, unusual restaurants, creative restaurants, unusual places to eat, unusual places to dine, unusual dining experience, food, eat, Hospital Restaurant, Latvia
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- Image Created: Thu, Sep 23rd 2010, 16:19
- Image Title: Cabbages and Condoms in Thailand- "Decorations" at Cabbages and Condoms Restaurant
- Image "Decorations" at Cabbages and Condoms Restaurant views: 1941 times
- Picture Country:
- Picture Tags: Most unusual restaurants in the world, unique restaurants, unusual restaurants, creative restaurants, unusual places to eat, unusual places to dine, unusual dining experience, food, eat, Cabbages and Condoms, Thailand
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- Image Created: Thu, Sep 23rd 2010, 16:20
- Image Title: Cabbages and Condoms in Thailand- Waiter at Cabbages and Condoms
- Image Waiter at Cabbages and Condoms views: 2035 times
- Picture Country:
- Picture Tags: Most unusual restaurants in the world, unique restaurants, unusual restaurants, creative restaurants, unusual places to eat, unusual places to dine, unusual dining experience, food, eat, Cabbages and Condoms, Thailand
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- Image Created: Thu, Sep 23rd 2010, 16:21
- Image Title: Cabbages and Condoms in Thailand- Restaurant view
- Image Restaurant view views: 900 times
- Picture Country:
- Picture Tags: Most unusual restaurants in the world, unique restaurants, unusual restaurants, creative restaurants, unusual places to eat, unusual places to dine, unusual dining experience, food, eat, Cabbages and Condoms, Thailand
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- Image Created: Thu, Sep 23rd 2010, 16:31
- Image Title: Nyotaimori - Nyotaimori
- Image Nyotaimori views: 1863 times
- Picture Country:
- Picture Tags: Most unusual restaurants in the world, unique restaurants, unusual restaurants, creative restaurants, unusual places to eat, unusual places to dine, unusual dining experience, food, eat, Nyotaimori
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- Image Created: Thu, Sep 23rd 2010, 16:32
- Image Title: Nyotaimori - Serving sushi
- Image Serving sushi views: 3919 times
- Picture Country:
- Picture Tags: Most unusual restaurants in the world, unique restaurants, unusual restaurants, creative restaurants, unusual places to eat, unusual places to dine, unusual dining experience, food, eat, Nyotaimori
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- Image Created: Thu, Sep 23rd 2010, 16:39
- Image Title: The Guolizhuang Restaurant in China- Restaurant view
- Image Restaurant view views: 791 times
- Picture Country:
- Picture Tags: Most unusual restaurants in the world, unique restaurants, unusual restaurants, creative restaurants, unusual places to eat, unusual places to dine, unusual dining experience, food, eat, Guolizhuang Restaurant
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- Image Created: Thu, Sep 23rd 2010, 16:40
- Image Title: The Guolizhuang Restaurant in China- Restaurant specialty
- Image Restaurant specialty views: 921 times
- Picture Country:
- Picture Tags: Most unusual restaurants in the world, unique restaurants, unusual restaurants, creative restaurants, unusual places to eat, unusual places to dine, unusual dining experience, food, eat, Guolizhuang Restaurant
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- Image Created: Thu, Sep 23rd 2010, 16:54
- Image Title: 's Baggers in Germany- Having meal at s' Baggers
- Image Having meal at s' Baggers views: 1122 times
- Picture Country:
- Picture Tags: Most unusual restaurants in the world, unique restaurants, unusual restaurants, creative restaurants, unusual places to eat, unusual places to dine, unusual dining experience, food, eat, s' Baggers
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- Image Created: Thu, Sep 23rd 2010, 16:55
- Image Title: 's Baggers in Germany- "Culinary rollercoaster"
- Image "Culinary rollercoaster" views: 1692 times
- Picture Country:
- Picture Tags: Most unusual restaurants in the world, unique restaurants, unusual restaurants, creative restaurants, unusual places to eat, unusual places to dine, unusual dining experience, food, eat, s' Baggers
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- Image Created: Thu, Sep 23rd 2010, 16:56
- Image Title: 's Baggers in Germany- Restaurant view
- Image Restaurant view views: 1142 times
- Picture Country:
- Picture Tags: Most unusual restaurants in the world, unique restaurants, unusual restaurants, creative restaurants, unusual places to eat, unusual places to dine, unusual dining experience, food, eat, s' Baggers