
The best cities to visit in Brazil -> Destinations


About The best cities to visit in Brazil

If you plan a vacation in Brazil you have to visit its great cities that give you a spectacular view over its beauty. You will have a real opportunity to see that this country is fascinating and unique. Its beautiful cities will impress you through their magnificent nature and style, this will be a unforgettable memory for your entire life.
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   Belem is the capital of the state Para, and is situated on the north in Brazil. Belem is considered to be one of the busiest ports in the country. The city of Belem is built on  small islands intersected  by channels  and small rivers. Belem was the first colony on the Amazon , founded in 1616 and belongs to Brasil since  1775. The city is also called ”city of mango” due to the mango trees that where found there.   It is si...

best destinations Brazil

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