
Map of Singapore Google maps

Google Map: Map with zoom and satellite view of Singapore

On Singapore

Country Name: Singapore
Country FIPS104: SN
Country ISO2: SG
Country ISO3: SGP
Country ISON: 702
Country Internet: SG
Country Capital: Singapore
Country Nationality Singular: Singaporeian
Country Nationality Plural: Singaporeans
Country Currency: Singapore Dollar
Country Currency Code: SGD
Country Population: 4300419

Regions of Singapore

Polls about Singapore

Changi Airport in Singapore

Changi Airport in Singapore


Changi Airport in Singapore - The Best Airports in the World

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Singapore Botanical Gardens

Singapore Botanical Gardens


Singapore Botanical Gardens - The Most Beautiful Botanical Gardens in the World

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Eastern & Oriental Express

Eastern & Oriental Express


Eastern & Oriental Express - The Most Luxury Trains in the World

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Long Bar

Long Bar


Long Bar - The Best Pubs in the World

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Singapore - The best countries in Asia

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Singapore - The cities with the best food

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Sentosa Island

Sentosa Island


Sentosa Island - The best places to watch sunset

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Singapore - The safest destinations to travel in the world
Singapore - The most expensive cities in the world

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Quincy Hotel

Quincy Hotel


Quincy Hotel - The best swimming pools in the world

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Holiday Inn Atrium Rooftop tennis court in Singapore

Holiday Inn Atrium Rooftop tennis court in Singapore


Holiday Inn Atrium Rooftop tennis court in Singapore - The most unique tennis courts in the world

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Singapore Airlines

Singapore Airlines


Singapore Airlines - The best luxury airline companies in the world

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The Clinic in Singapore

The Clinic in Singapore


The Clinic in Singapore - The most bizarre clubs in the world
The Clinic in Singapore - The most unusual restaurants in the world

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