
Map of Seychelles Google maps

Google Map: Map with zoom and satellite view of Seychelles

On Seychelles

Country Name: Seychelles
Country FIPS104: SE
Country ISO2: SC
Country ISO3: SYC
Country ISON: 690
Country Internet: SC
Country Capital: Victoria
Country Nationality Singular: Seychellois
Country Nationality Plural: Seychellois
Country Currency: Seychelles Rupee
Country Currency Code: SCR
Country Population: 79715

Regions of Seychelles

Anse aux Pins
Anse Boileau
Anse Etoile
Anse Louis
Anse Royale
Baie Lazare
Baie Sainte Anne
Beau Vallon
Bel Air
Bel Ombre
Grand' Anse
La Digue
La Riviere Anglaise
Mont Buxton
Mont Fleuri
Pointe La Rue
Port Glaud
Saint Louis

Polls about Seychelles

The Seychelles

The Seychelles


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The Seychelles Islands- tropical romantic destination


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