
Map of Italy Molise Google maps

Google Map: Map with zoom and satellite view of Italy

On Italy

Country Name: Italy
Country FIPS104: IT
Country ISO2: IT
Country ISO3: ITA
Country ISON: 380
Country Internet: IT
Country Capital: Rome
Country Nationality Singular: Italian
Country Nationality Plural: Italians
Country Currency: Euro
Country Currency Code: EUR
Country Population: 57679825

Regions of Italy

Friuli-Venezia Giulia
Trentino-Alto Adige
Valle d'Aosta

Polls about Italy

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Rotae wine


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Osco or Terre degli Osci wine

Osco or Terre degli Osci wine


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Pentro of Isernia wine

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Molise wine

Molise wine


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Biferno wine

Biferno wine


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Capo di Vandra hotel


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Dora hotel

Dora hotel


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Santa Maria del Bagno hotel

Santa Maria del Bagno hotel


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Locanda degli Illustri hotel

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Capracotta hotel

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Sayonara hotel

Sayonara hotel


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G.H. Europa hotel

G.H. Europa hotel


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Mistral hotel

Mistral hotel


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Rosary hotel

Rosary hotel


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G.H. Somerist hotel

G.H. Somerist hotel


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Corona hotel

Corona hotel


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Lo Sciatore hotel

Lo Sciatore hotel


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Strand hotel

Strand hotel


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G.H. Aljope hotel

G.H. Aljope hotel


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Eden hotel

Eden hotel


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