
Map of China Beijing Google maps

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On China

Country Name: China
Country FIPS104: CH
Country ISO2: CN
Country ISO3: CHN
Country ISON: 156
Country Internet: CN
Country Capital: Beijing
Country Nationality Singular: Chinese
Country Nationality Plural: Chinese
Country Currency: Yuan Renminbi
Country Currency Code: CNY
Country Population: 1273111290

Regions of China

Nei Mongol

Polls about China

 The Imperial Palace, Beijing

The Imperial Palace, Beijing


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Beijing Capital International Airport

Beijing Capital International Airport


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Beijing in China

Beijing in China


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The Guolizhuang Restaurant in China

The Guolizhuang Restaurant in China


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Water Cube

Water Cube


Water Cube - The best places to visit in Beijing, China

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Lama Temple

Lama Temple


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Beihai Park

Beihai Park


Beihai Park - The best places to visit in Beijing, China

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The Beijing National Stadium

The Beijing National Stadium


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Summer Palace

Summer Palace


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Tiananmen Square

Tiananmen Square


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The Forbidden City

The Forbidden City


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Beijing in China

Beijing in China


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